Poetry International Poetry International

Michelle Grangaud


January 1
*Valery Larbaud, as he writes, wonders why he is writing, and gives himself the answer that
it is only to begin the year with writing.
*George Eliot begins a new novel, Romola.
*Paul Klee draws a foot from the life and believes it is his best foot.
*Alexis Saint-Léger gives Marie Laurencin the liminal song of Anabase in a horse\'s skull he brought
back with him from the Gobi Desert, in which he had been lost.

January 2
*The day before he leaves for New York, Emmanuel Hocquard types a poem by George Oppen
on his Underwood Standard Typewriter No.3.
*Monsieur Charpentier, Academician, visits Monsieur Colbert on behalf of the French Academy
to thank him for supplying the latter with the jettons which enable it to vote.
*On the London train, G.H. Lewes asks a travelling companion to lend him the Times, and discovers
a highly favourable review of Scenes of Clerical Life "by Mr. George Eliot, a name
unknown to us".



*Valery Larbaud, qui écrit, se demande pourquoi il écrit, et se répond que c’est
uniquement pour commencer l’année en écrivant.
*George Eliot commence un nouveau roman, Romola.
*Paul Klee dessine un pied d’après nature, et pense que c’est son meilleur pied.
*Alexis Saint-Léger offre à Marie Laurencin la chanson liminaire d’Anabase dans
un crâne de cheval qu’il a ramené du désert de Gobi, où il s’était perdu.

2 janvier
*À la veille de son départ pour New York, Emmanuel Hocquard tape un poème
de George Oppen sur son Underwood standard typewriter n°3.
*M. Charpentier, académicien, est député par l’Académie françoise auprès de M. Colbert,
pour le remercier d’avoir procuré à cette société les jettons qui lui permettent de voter.
*Dans le train de Londres, G.H. Lewes demande à un compagnon de voyage de lui prêter
le Times, et il y découvre un article qui donne un compte rendu
très favorable de Scenes of Clerical Life « by Mr George Eliot, a name unknown to us ».


January 1
*Valery Larbaud, as he writes, wonders why he is writing, and gives himself the answer that
it is only to begin the year with writing.
*George Eliot begins a new novel, Romola.
*Paul Klee draws a foot from the life and believes it is his best foot.
*Alexis Saint-Léger gives Marie Laurencin the liminal song of Anabase in a horse\'s skull he brought
back with him from the Gobi Desert, in which he had been lost.

January 2
*The day before he leaves for New York, Emmanuel Hocquard types a poem by George Oppen
on his Underwood Standard Typewriter No.3.
*Monsieur Charpentier, Academician, visits Monsieur Colbert on behalf of the French Academy
to thank him for supplying the latter with the jettons which enable it to vote.
*On the London train, G.H. Lewes asks a travelling companion to lend him the Times, and discovers
a highly favourable review of Scenes of Clerical Life "by Mr. George Eliot, a name
unknown to us".


January 1
*Valery Larbaud, as he writes, wonders why he is writing, and gives himself the answer that
it is only to begin the year with writing.
*George Eliot begins a new novel, Romola.
*Paul Klee draws a foot from the life and believes it is his best foot.
*Alexis Saint-Léger gives Marie Laurencin the liminal song of Anabase in a horse\'s skull he brought
back with him from the Gobi Desert, in which he had been lost.

January 2
*The day before he leaves for New York, Emmanuel Hocquard types a poem by George Oppen
on his Underwood Standard Typewriter No.3.
*Monsieur Charpentier, Academician, visits Monsieur Colbert on behalf of the French Academy
to thank him for supplying the latter with the jettons which enable it to vote.
*On the London train, G.H. Lewes asks a travelling companion to lend him the Times, and discovers
a highly favourable review of Scenes of Clerical Life "by Mr. George Eliot, a name
unknown to us".
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère