Doina Ioanid
19. The old Gypsy woman stands up
The old Gypsy woman stands up from among pots to welcome me. I’ve been walking across the whole length of the field planted with pea and with rape and I’m tired. So her almond-shaped eyes are a comforting break. From the grass plot a pig’s head is watching me, ears neatly lopped off. I step out of my sandals and slip out of my dress. Once again I walk into the rape field. Green and yellow by turns. Out of yellow and green you get khaki, but this is no place for mixing up things. Tinkergypsy then gives me a nicely crisped pig ear. As we munch on, me with my strong teeth, she with her nearly black stumps, the world comes into balance.
© Translation: 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
19. The old Gypsy woman stands up
De oude zigeunerin staat op tussen haar potten en pannen en komt me tegemoet. Ik heb het hele veld van akkererwten en koolzaad doorkruist en ik ben moe, dus bieden haar amandelogen een welkome rust. Vanuit het weiland bekijkt me de varkenskop met afgesneden oren. Ik trek mijn sandalen en mijn jurk uit. Ik loop weer het koolzaadveld door. Nu eens groen, dan weer geel. Groen en geel maken kaki, maar hier is van mengen geen sprake. Keteltinne reikt me daarop een mooi gebruind oor aan. Terwijl we beiden langzaam kauwen, ik met solide tanden, zij met bijna zwarte stompjes, komt de wereld in evenwicht.
© Vertaling: 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Ţiganca bătrînă se ridică dintre tingiri şi mă întîmpină. Am străbătut tot lanul de mazăre şi rapiţă şi am obosit, aşa că ochii săi migdalaţi sînt o bună odihnă. De pe pajişte, mă priveşte căpăţîna de porc cu urechile ciuntite. Mă descalţ de sandale şi mă dezbrac de rochie. O iau iar prin lanul de rapiţă. Cînd verde, cînd galben. Din galben şi verde obţii kaki, dar aici nu-i loc de amestec. Spoicăldări îmi dă apoi o ureche frumos rumenită. În timp ce molfăim amîndouă, eu cu dinţii mei puternici, ea cu cioturile ei aproape negre, lumea se echilibrează.
© 2003, Doina Ioanid
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
Poems of Doina Ioanid
19. The old Gypsy woman stands up
The old Gypsy woman stands up from among pots to welcome me. I’ve been walking across the whole length of the field planted with pea and with rape and I’m tired. So her almond-shaped eyes are a comforting break. From the grass plot a pig’s head is watching me, ears neatly lopped off. I step out of my sandals and slip out of my dress. Once again I walk into the rape field. Green and yellow by turns. Out of yellow and green you get khaki, but this is no place for mixing up things. Tinkergypsy then gives me a nicely crisped pig ear. As we munch on, me with my strong teeth, she with her nearly black stumps, the world comes into balance.
© 2011, Florin Bican
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
19. The old Gypsy woman stands up
The old Gypsy woman stands up from among pots to welcome me. I’ve been walking across the whole length of the field planted with pea and with rape and I’m tired. So her almond-shaped eyes are a comforting break. From the grass plot a pig’s head is watching me, ears neatly lopped off. I step out of my sandals and slip out of my dress. Once again I walk into the rape field. Green and yellow by turns. Out of yellow and green you get khaki, but this is no place for mixing up things. Tinkergypsy then gives me a nicely crisped pig ear. As we munch on, me with my strong teeth, she with her nearly black stumps, the world comes into balance.
© 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère