Ewa Lipska
A slim one. And shy.Little sleep. Headaches.
He was afraid of fear.
He lived in an age of crime tourism.
Letters of suspects. Arrests. Executions.
A good time for pyromaniacs. During processions
on six sites of meditation
stakes of burning convicts.
Inexhaustible avenues of treason.
The year 1535. In Paris.
His room was meticulously searched.
Confiscated papers. Correspondence.
He’s the author of a treatise on the soul’s dream.
In Catholics he discerns Satan’s audacity.
To top it all bubonic plague. Famine.
The year 1541. Return to Geneva.
Mutual provocations.
Fanatic hatred.
Terror yapping in the streets.
Religion doesn’t save him. A utopian vision
of eternity.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
A dry landscape. A red trickle of light.
Echo of evil.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
He dies.
Converted into sin.
© Translation: 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
From: The New Century
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
Slank. Verlegen.Weinig slaap. Hoofdpijn.
Hij was bang voor angst.
Hij leefde in tijden van misdaadtoerisme.
Lijsten van verdachten. Arrestaties. Executies.
Een goede tijd voor pyromanen. Tijdens de processie
op zes plaatsen van overdenkingen
brandstapels van veroordeelden.
Onuitputtelijke lanen van verraad.
Het jaar 1535. In Parijs.
Grondig werd zijn kamer doorzocht.
Papier, correspondentie geconfisceerd.
Hij is auteur van het tractaat over dromen van de ziel.
Bij de katholieken bespeurt hij vermetelheid van de duivel
Daarbij de pest. Hongersnood.
Het jaar 1541. Terugkeer naar Genève.
Wederzijdse provocaties.
Fanatieke haat.
Blaffende terreur in de straten.
Religie redt hem niet. Utopische visie van de eeuwigheid.
Hij verzwakt. Wordt steeds zwakker.
Kil landschap. Een rood stroompje licht.
Echo van het kwaad.
Hij verzwakt. Wordt steeds zwakker.
Hij sterft.
Bekeerd tot de zonde.
© Vertaling: 2010, Ad van Rijsewijk
Szczupły. Nieśmiały.Krótki sen. Bóle głowy.
Bał się lęku.
Żył w czasach turystyki zbrodni.
Listy podejrzanych. Aresztowania. Egzekucje.
Dla piromanów dobry czas. Podczas procesji
na sześciu miejscach zadumy
stosy palących się skazańców.
Niewyczerpane aleje zdrady.
Rok 1535. W Paryżu.
Drobiazgowo przeszukano mu pokój.
Skonfiskowano papiery. korespondencję.
Jest autorem traktatu o śnie duszy.
U katolików dopatruje się zuchwałości szatana.
Do tego dżuma. Klęska głodu.
Rok 1541. Powrót do Genewy.
Wzajemne prowokacje.
Fanatyczna nienawiść.
Ujadający na ulicach terror.
Nie ratuje go religia. Utopijna wizja wieczności.
Słabnie. Coraz bardziej słabnie.
Oschły krajobraz. Czerwona strużka światła.
Pogłos zła.
Słabnie. Coraz bardziej słabnie.
Nawrócony na grzech.
© 2001, Ewa Lipska
From: Sklepy Zoologyczne
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie,
From: Sklepy Zoologyczne
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie,
Poems of Ewa Lipska
A slim one. And shy.Little sleep. Headaches.
He was afraid of fear.
He lived in an age of crime tourism.
Letters of suspects. Arrests. Executions.
A good time for pyromaniacs. During processions
on six sites of meditation
stakes of burning convicts.
Inexhaustible avenues of treason.
The year 1535. In Paris.
His room was meticulously searched.
Confiscated papers. Correspondence.
He’s the author of a treatise on the soul’s dream.
In Catholics he discerns Satan’s audacity.
To top it all bubonic plague. Famine.
The year 1541. Return to Geneva.
Mutual provocations.
Fanatic hatred.
Terror yapping in the streets.
Religion doesn’t save him. A utopian vision
of eternity.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
A dry landscape. A red trickle of light.
Echo of evil.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
He dies.
Converted into sin.
© 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
A slim one. And shy.Little sleep. Headaches.
He was afraid of fear.
He lived in an age of crime tourism.
Letters of suspects. Arrests. Executions.
A good time for pyromaniacs. During processions
on six sites of meditation
stakes of burning convicts.
Inexhaustible avenues of treason.
The year 1535. In Paris.
His room was meticulously searched.
Confiscated papers. Correspondence.
He’s the author of a treatise on the soul’s dream.
In Catholics he discerns Satan’s audacity.
To top it all bubonic plague. Famine.
The year 1541. Return to Geneva.
Mutual provocations.
Fanatic hatred.
Terror yapping in the streets.
Religion doesn’t save him. A utopian vision
of eternity.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
A dry landscape. A red trickle of light.
Echo of evil.
He weakens. Weakens more and more.
He dies.
Converted into sin.
© 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère