Ewa Lipska
I like you, a twenty-year-old poet writes to me.A beginning carpenter of words.
His letter smells of lumber.
His muse still sleeps in rosewood.
Ambitious noise in a literary sawmill.
Apprentices veneering a gullible tongue.
They cut to size the shy plywood of sentences.
A haiku whittled with a plane.
Problems begin
with a splinter lodged in memory.
It is hard to remove
much harder to describe.
Wood shavings fly. The apple cores of angels.
Dust up to the heavens.
From: The New Century
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
Ik mag u schrijft mij de twintigjarige dichter.De beginnende woordentimmerman.
Zijn brief ruikt naar bewerkt hout.
Zijn muze sluimert nog in de rozenboom.
In de literaire houtzagerij ambitieus lawaai.
Leerjongens fineren de goedgelovige taal.
Ze zagen verlegen gelijmde zinnen.
Geschaafd met de haikuschaaf.
De problemen beginnen met
de in het geheugen gedrongen splinter.
Het is moeilijk die eruit te trekken
nog moeilijker om die te beschrijven.
Spaanders vliegen in het rond. Engelenkrozen.
Stof tot aan de hemel.
© Vertaling: 2010, Ad van Rijsewijk
Lubię panią pisze do mnie dwudziestoletni poeta.Początkujący cieśla słów.
Jego list pachnie tarcicą.
Jego muza drzemie jeszcze w różanym drewnie.
W literackim tartaku ambitny hałas.
Czeladnicy okładają łatwowierny język fornirem.
Przycinają nieśmiałe sklejki zdań.
Wystrugane heblem haiku.
Problemy zaczynają się
z wbitą w pamięć drzazgą.
Trudno ją wyjąć
jeszcze trudniej opisać.
Lecą wióry. Ogryzki aniołów.
Pył do samego nieba.
© 2006, Ewa Lipska
From: Drzazga
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow
From: Drzazga
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow
Poems of Ewa Lipska
I like you, a twenty-year-old poet writes to me.A beginning carpenter of words.
His letter smells of lumber.
His muse still sleeps in rosewood.
Ambitious noise in a literary sawmill.
Apprentices veneering a gullible tongue.
They cut to size the shy plywood of sentences.
A haiku whittled with a plane.
Problems begin
with a splinter lodged in memory.
It is hard to remove
much harder to describe.
Wood shavings fly. The apple cores of angels.
Dust up to the heavens.
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press, Krakow
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press, Krakow
I like you, a twenty-year-old poet writes to me.A beginning carpenter of words.
His letter smells of lumber.
His muse still sleeps in rosewood.
Ambitious noise in a literary sawmill.
Apprentices veneering a gullible tongue.
They cut to size the shy plywood of sentences.
A haiku whittled with a plane.
Problems begin
with a splinter lodged in memory.
It is hard to remove
much harder to describe.
Wood shavings fly. The apple cores of angels.
Dust up to the heavens.
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,

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