Ewa Lipska
Fashion Craze
We die more and more beautifullyin Gianni Versace’s collection.
Elegance is aesthetics’ nestling.
We bustle about the churches of fashion
believing that the orange will suit us.
You kiss me in a changing room
Look, it’s just Rome’s fall in green.
We solve the puzzles of our archetypes.
Translate berets into foreign languages.
Tonight we are invited
to the opening of the Last Judgment.
We enter without tickets.
Today is dead admission.
© Translation: 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
From: The New Century
Publisher: Northwestern University Press, , 2009
We sterven steeds mooierin de collectie van Gianni Versace.
Elegantie van nestvogels’ esthetica.
We rennen door kerken van de mode
gelovend dat oranje ons goed staat.
Je kust mij in de paskamer
kijk, gewoon de val van Rome in het groen.
We lossen rebussen van onze archetypen op.
We vertalen baretten naar vreemde talen.
’s Avonds hebben we een uitnodiging
voor de vernissage van Het Laatse Oordeel.
We gaan naar binnen zonder kaartjes.
Vandaag is het dood entree.
© Vertaling: 2010, Ad van Rijsewijk
Umieramy coraz piękniejw kolekcji Gianniego Versace.
Elegancja jest pisklęciem estetyki.
Biegamy po kościołach mody
wierząc że w pomarańczy będzie nam do twarzy.
Całujesz mnie w przymierzalni
patrz, w zieleni po prostu klęska Rzymu.
Rozwiązujemy rebusy naszych archetypów.
Przekładamy berety na języki obce.
Wieczorem mamy zaproszenie
na wernisaż Sądu Ostatecznego.
Wchodzimy bez biletów.
Dzisiaj jest martwy wstęp.
© 2001, Ewa Lipska
From: Sklepy Zoologyczne
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie,
From: Sklepy Zoologyczne
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie,
Poems of Ewa Lipska
Fashion Craze
We die more and more beautifullyin Gianni Versace’s collection.
Elegance is aesthetics’ nestling.
We bustle about the churches of fashion
believing that the orange will suit us.
You kiss me in a changing room
Look, it’s just Rome’s fall in green.
We solve the puzzles of our archetypes.
Translate berets into foreign languages.
Tonight we are invited
to the opening of the Last Judgment.
We enter without tickets.
Today is dead admission.
© 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
Fashion Craze
We die more and more beautifullyin Gianni Versace’s collection.
Elegance is aesthetics’ nestling.
We bustle about the churches of fashion
believing that the orange will suit us.
You kiss me in a changing room
Look, it’s just Rome’s fall in green.
We solve the puzzles of our archetypes.
Translate berets into foreign languages.
Tonight we are invited
to the opening of the Last Judgment.
We enter without tickets.
Today is dead admission.
© 2009, Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,
From: The New Century
Publisher: 2009, Northwestern University Press,

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