Piotr Sommer
The Youth
On the way there wasn’t a single starand I, hearing nothing,
was taking it right there
into the past: the end of the day
ricocheted off the present,
grew monstrously
and was becoming legend.
Then everything
belonged to a different civilization:
a wasteland of housing, harsh fluorescent lights,
and that enticing, cool breath of wind
(maybe it was the wind that lifted it all into the past, not me,
because I wouldn’t even know how
to blow in both directions)
© Translation: 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
Onderweg was geen ster te zienen zonder iets te horen
maakte ik dit meteen tot
mijn verleden: het einde van de dag,
losgekoppeld van het heden,
groeide monsterlijk
en werd een legende.
Even later behoorde alles
al tot een andere beschaving toe:
woestijn van huizen, scherp licht van tl-buizen
en die trekkende, kille adem van de wind
(misschien maakte die alles tot het verleden, niet ik,
want ik zou nooit zo
naar beide kanten kunnen blazen)
© Vertaling: 2009, Tsead Bruinja en Karol Lesman
Po drodze nie było ani jednej gwiazdya ja, nic nie słysząc,
przenosiłem to z miejsca
w przeszłość: końcówka dnia,
odbita od teraźniejszości,
rosła monstrualnie
i stawała się legendą.
Po chwili wszystko
należało już do innej cywilizacji:
pustynia domów, ostre światło jarzeniówek
i ten pociągający, chłodny oddech wiatru
(może to on przenosił wszystko w przeszłość, nie ja,
bo przecież ja bym tak nie umiał
dmuchać w obie strony)
© 2009, Piotr Sommer
From: Dni i noce
Publisher: Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
From: Dni i noce
Publisher: Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
Poems of Piotr Sommer
The Youth
On the way there wasn’t a single starand I, hearing nothing,
was taking it right there
into the past: the end of the day
ricocheted off the present,
grew monstrously
and was becoming legend.
Then everything
belonged to a different civilization:
a wasteland of housing, harsh fluorescent lights,
and that enticing, cool breath of wind
(maybe it was the wind that lifted it all into the past, not me,
because I wouldn’t even know how
to blow in both directions)
© 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
From: Dni i noce
From: Dni i noce
The Youth
On the way there wasn’t a single starand I, hearing nothing,
was taking it right there
into the past: the end of the day
ricocheted off the present,
grew monstrously
and was becoming legend.
Then everything
belonged to a different civilization:
a wasteland of housing, harsh fluorescent lights,
and that enticing, cool breath of wind
(maybe it was the wind that lifted it all into the past, not me,
because I wouldn’t even know how
to blow in both directions)
© 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère