Piotr Sommer
It Felt As If Someone Came In
It felt as if someone came in
silently, but through a door that creaked.
I didn’t get up, didn’t go check
although a breeze moved across my face
and the door squeaked quickly as if the guest were leaving
without a word, without explanations.
Het voelde alsof er iemand binnenkwam
geluidloos, maar door een deur die kraakte.
Ik ben niet opgestaan, ik ben niet gaan kijken,
hoewel over mijn gezicht dat zuchtje streek
en de deur onmiddellijk weer kraakte, alsof de gast wegging
zonder iets te zeggen, zonder uitleg.
Poczułem się jakby ktoś wszedł
bezgłośnie, ale przez skrzypiące drzwi.
Nie wstałem z miejsca, nie poszedłem sprawdzić,
chociaż po twarzy przemknął mi ten powiew
a drzwi skrzypnęły zaraz, jakby gość wychodził
bez słowa, bez wyjaśnień.
From: Dni i noce
Publisher: Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
It Felt As If Someone Came In
It felt as if someone came in
silently, but through a door that creaked.
I didn’t get up, didn’t go check
although a breeze moved across my face
and the door squeaked quickly as if the guest were leaving
without a word, without explanations.
From: Dni i noce
It Felt As If Someone Came In
It felt as if someone came in
silently, but through a door that creaked.
I didn’t get up, didn’t go check
although a breeze moved across my face
and the door squeaked quickly as if the guest were leaving
without a word, without explanations.