Piotr Sommer
Rush of Air
O days! those were the most unyielding,fluid at first, then quivering
there was no way for them to ripen, come to themselves
even at night.
Continents as if nothing ever happened
shifting beneath the eyelids
like dust in sunlight.
And it wasn’t clear what links the days
because the birds
were moving always in the air, the wind
permeated the leaves, and the breath was too weak.
© Translation: 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
O, de dagen! Die waren het hardnekkigst,aanvankelijk vloeiend, later trillend,
gewoonweg niet in staat te rijpen, te besterven,
zelfs ’s nachts.
Continenten schoven lukraak
onder oogleden door
als stofjes in de zon.
En het was alleen niet bekend, wat de dagen bond,
aangezien de vogels
onafgebroken bewogen in de lucht, door de bladeren
drong de wind, en de adem was te zwak.
© Vertaling: 2009, Tsead Bruinja en Karol Lesman
O, dni! Te były najbardziej nieuległe,z początku płynne, później rozedrgane,
nijak nie były w stanie dojrzeć, dojść do siebie,
nawet w nocy.
Kontynenty jak gdyby nigdy nic
przesuwały się pod powiekami
jak pyłki w słońcu.
I tylko nie wiadomo było, co dni wiąże,
ponieważ ptaki
bez przerwy poruszały się w powietrzu, liście
przenikał wiatr, a oddech był za słaby.
© 2009, Piotr Sommer
From: Dni i noce
Publisher: Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
From: Dni i noce
Publisher: Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
Poems of Piotr Sommer
Rush of Air
O days! those were the most unyielding,fluid at first, then quivering
there was no way for them to ripen, come to themselves
even at night.
Continents as if nothing ever happened
shifting beneath the eyelids
like dust in sunlight.
And it wasn’t clear what links the days
because the birds
were moving always in the air, the wind
permeated the leaves, and the breath was too weak.
© 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
From: Dni i noce
From: Dni i noce
Rush of Air
O days! those were the most unyielding,fluid at first, then quivering
there was no way for them to ripen, come to themselves
even at night.
Continents as if nothing ever happened
shifting beneath the eyelids
like dust in sunlight.
And it wasn’t clear what links the days
because the birds
were moving always in the air, the wind
permeated the leaves, and the breath was too weak.
© 2009, Christian Hawkey and William Martin
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère