Armando Orozco Tovar
His hands full of crows destroyed allHis thought was an absurd stairway
Like dreams on the steps of prisons
He had found the way to live
In paradises and violated wombs
Getting out of himself
Lashing the interior doors
And the murderous codices
He knew what died among shadows
In a jungle of devastating dolphins
He rode the inhospitable marble
Of the páramos
He beat the plains with his vulture wings
And chains of gold on his chest
He saw her naked among the shadows
Of the wall of the executed
With his belly full of violins
Of the miaowing of marine cats
He remembered the punishment of his hands
He did not know the ashy bronze
For the flies were on his face
Since before the flight
He thought that nothing had a remedy
In the midst of delirium and rancor
Of the fever of its eagle claws
He found at last oblivion in the sinister
Swamps of a symbolic and imagined wind
He knew when the horror was going to begin
© Translation: 2009, Nicolás Suescún
Arrasaba con sus manos pobladas de cuervosSu pensamiento era una escalera absurda
Como sueños en las gradas de las prisiones
Había encontrado la forma de vivir
En paraísos y vientres violados
Saliéndose de sí mismo
Azotando las puertas interiores
Y los códices asesinos
Sabía qué moría entre sombras
En una selva con delfines arrasadores
Galopó el mármol inhóspito
De los páramos
Golpeó los llanos con sus alas de buitre
Y cadenas de oro sobre su pecho
A ella la vio desnuda entre las sombras
Del muro de los fusilados
Con su vientre repleto de violines
De maullidos de gatos marinos
Recordó el castigo de sus manos
No supo del bronce ceniciento
Porque las moscas estaban en su rostro
Desde antes del vuelo
Pensó que nada tenía remedio
En medio del delirio y el rencor
De la fiebre de sus garras de águila
Encontró por fin el olvido en los pantanos
Siniestros de un viento simbólico e imaginado
Sabía cuándo iba a comenzar el horror
© 2004, Armando Orozco Tovar
From: Del sonámbulo imaginado
Publisher: Ediciones Catapulta, Bogotá
From: Del sonámbulo imaginado
Publisher: Ediciones Catapulta, Bogotá
Poems of Armando Orozco Tovar
His hands full of crows destroyed allHis thought was an absurd stairway
Like dreams on the steps of prisons
He had found the way to live
In paradises and violated wombs
Getting out of himself
Lashing the interior doors
And the murderous codices
He knew what died among shadows
In a jungle of devastating dolphins
He rode the inhospitable marble
Of the páramos
He beat the plains with his vulture wings
And chains of gold on his chest
He saw her naked among the shadows
Of the wall of the executed
With his belly full of violins
Of the miaowing of marine cats
He remembered the punishment of his hands
He did not know the ashy bronze
For the flies were on his face
Since before the flight
He thought that nothing had a remedy
In the midst of delirium and rancor
Of the fever of its eagle claws
He found at last oblivion in the sinister
Swamps of a symbolic and imagined wind
He knew when the horror was going to begin
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún
From: Del sonámbulo imaginado
From: Del sonámbulo imaginado
His hands full of crows destroyed allHis thought was an absurd stairway
Like dreams on the steps of prisons
He had found the way to live
In paradises and violated wombs
Getting out of himself
Lashing the interior doors
And the murderous codices
He knew what died among shadows
In a jungle of devastating dolphins
He rode the inhospitable marble
Of the páramos
He beat the plains with his vulture wings
And chains of gold on his chest
He saw her naked among the shadows
Of the wall of the executed
With his belly full of violins
Of the miaowing of marine cats
He remembered the punishment of his hands
He did not know the ashy bronze
For the flies were on his face
Since before the flight
He thought that nothing had a remedy
In the midst of delirium and rancor
Of the fever of its eagle claws
He found at last oblivion in the sinister
Swamps of a symbolic and imagined wind
He knew when the horror was going to begin
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère