Ruy Cinatti
Huato-Carbau (1947)
An old man, a youth,separated by chance.
Out there the breeze,
the sharpened cold.
In the light of the lamp they talked
the whole night through.
The old man, youthful.
The young man, sad.
© Translation: 2009, Alexis Levitin
Huato-Carbau (1947)
Huato-Carbau (1947)
Um velho, um jovem,separados pelo acaso.
Lá fora a brisa,
o frio fino.
À luz do candeeiro conversavam
a noite inteira.
O velho, jovem.
O jovem, triste.
© 1974, Ruy Cinatti
From: Paisagens Timorenses Com Vultos
Publisher: Pax, Braga
From: Paisagens Timorenses Com Vultos
Publisher: Pax, Braga
Poems of Ruy Cinatti
Huato-Carbau (1947)
An old man, a youth,separated by chance.
Out there the breeze,
the sharpened cold.
In the light of the lamp they talked
the whole night through.
The old man, youthful.
The young man, sad.
© 2009, Alexis Levitin
From: Paisagens Timorenses Com Vultos
From: Paisagens Timorenses Com Vultos
Huato-Carbau (1947)
An old man, a youth,separated by chance.
Out there the breeze,
the sharpened cold.
In the light of the lamp they talked
the whole night through.
The old man, youthful.
The young man, sad.
© 2009, Alexis Levitin
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