Doina Ioanid
20. What is it all these women want from me
What is it all these women want from me, with their kangaroo pouches barely disguised by calico aprons, hair redolent with moist things, why do they call me to join them, enticing me with their crippled lives, and why are their stories clinging to me like hot oil, when all I want is that they just leave me alone to go on with my journey?
© Translation: 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
20. What is it all these women want from me
Wat willen ze van me, al die vrouwen met hun nauwelijks door bloemetjesschorten verholen kangoeroebuiken en hun door klamme geuren doordrenkte haar, waarom roepen ze dat ik bij hen moet komen, waarom lokken ze mij met hun verminkte levens en blijven hun verhalen aan mij plakken als hete olie, terwijl ik niet anders wil dan dat ze mij met rust laten en mij mijn gang laten gaan?
© Vertaling: 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Ce vor toate aceste femei de la mine, cu burţile lor de cangur abia mascate de şorţurile înflorate, cu părul lor îmbibat de mirosuri jilave, de ce mă cheamă să vin alături de ele, ademenindu-mă cu vieţile lor schiloade şi de ce poveştile lor se lipesc de mine ca uleiul încins, cînd eu nu vreau decît să-mi dea pace, să-mi văd de drum?
© 2003, Doina Ioanid
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
Gedichten van Doina Ioanid
20. What is it all these women want from me
Wat willen ze van me, al die vrouwen met hun nauwelijks door bloemetjesschorten verholen kangoeroebuiken en hun door klamme geuren doordrenkte haar, waarom roepen ze dat ik bij hen moet komen, waarom lokken ze mij met hun verminkte levens en blijven hun verhalen aan mij plakken als hete olie, terwijl ik niet anders wil dan dat ze mij met rust laten en mij mijn gang laten gaan?
© 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
20. What is it all these women want from me
What is it all these women want from me, with their kangaroo pouches barely disguised by calico aprons, hair redolent with moist things, why do they call me to join them, enticing me with their crippled lives, and why are their stories clinging to me like hot oil, when all I want is that they just leave me alone to go on with my journey?
© 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

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