Doina Ioanid
18. I used to live in Africa way back
I used to live in Africa way back, when things were not so mixed up, nor was the world exclusively made up of in-between colours. I had the looks of the woman that searched for her food in the ocean, I trod the cracked earth under my bare soles and violence was part of my life. I need but remember is all.
© Translation: 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
18. I used to live in Africa way back
Ooit leefde ik in Afrika, toen de dingen niet zo warrig waren, noch de wereld gemaakt van enkel tussenkleuren. Ik keek met de blik van een vrouw op zoek naar voedsel in de oceaan, ik liep blootsvoets over de dorre aarde en geweld maakte deel uit van mijn leven. Zaak is dat ik het mij herinner.
© Vertaling: 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Am locuit odată în Africa, pe cînd lucrurile nu erau atît de amestecate, nici lumea făcută numai din culori intermediare. Am avut privirea femeii căutînd hrana în ocean, am umblat cu tălpile goale pe pămîntul uscat şi violenţa a făcut parte din viaţa mea. Totul e să-mi amintesc.
© 2003, Doina Ioanid
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
Gedichten van Doina Ioanid
18. I used to live in Africa way back
Ooit leefde ik in Afrika, toen de dingen niet zo warrig waren, noch de wereld gemaakt van enkel tussenkleuren. Ik keek met de blik van een vrouw op zoek naar voedsel in de oceaan, ik liep blootsvoets over de dorre aarde en geweld maakte deel uit van mijn leven. Zaak is dat ik het mij herinner.
© 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
18. I used to live in Africa way back
I used to live in Africa way back, when things were not so mixed up, nor was the world exclusively made up of in-between colours. I had the looks of the woman that searched for her food in the ocean, I trod the cracked earth under my bare soles and violence was part of my life. I need but remember is all.
© 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

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