Doina Ioanid
04. The yard teeming with black chickens
The yard teeming with black chickens, blacker still at daybreak, was raucous with their peeping. As she stepped out onto the porch, Mary just knew that her destiny, worn as thin as her name, had been circling the skies in the morning and flopped bang in the midst of the legions of chickens.
© Translation: 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
04. The yard teeming with black chickens
De hoenderhof vol zwarte kuikens, die bij het krieken van de dag nog zwarter leken, galmde van het gepiep. Toen ze die morgen op de veranda kwam, wist Maria dat haar lot, even afgedragen als haar naam, in de lucht had rondgedraaid en precies midden in het gewoel van kuikens was gevallen.
© Vertaling: 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Curtea plină de pui negri, părînd încă şi mai negri în zorii zilei, răsuna de piuituri. Ieşind în verandă, Maria ştiu că destinul ei, la fel de tocit ca şi propriul nume, se rotise în aer în dimineaţa aceea şi căzuse chiar în mijlocul puzderiei de pui.
© 2003, Doina Ioanid
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: Editura Pontica, Constanța
Gedichten van Doina Ioanid
04. The yard teeming with black chickens
De hoenderhof vol zwarte kuikens, die bij het krieken van de dag nog zwarter leken, galmde van het gepiep. Toen ze die morgen op de veranda kwam, wist Maria dat haar lot, even afgedragen als haar naam, in de lucht had rondgedraaid en precies midden in het gewoel van kuikens was gevallen.
© 2011, Jan H. Mysjkin
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
From: Cartea burților și a singurătății
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Constanța
04. The yard teeming with black chickens
The yard teeming with black chickens, blacker still at daybreak, was raucous with their peeping. As she stepped out onto the porch, Mary just knew that her destiny, worn as thin as her name, had been circling the skies in the morning and flopped bang in the midst of the legions of chickens.
© 2011, Florin Bican
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère