Davide Rondoni

Davide Rondoni
(Italy, 1964)
Davide Rondoni, one of the most interesting voices in new Italian poetry, was born in Forlì in 1964. He received his degree in Italian literature from the University of Bologna, where he is the director of the Centre for Contemporary Poetry as well as editor of the literature magazine Il ClanDestino (The ClanDestine).
La frontiera della ginestra, (The Frontier of the Broom Flower), Quinta Generazione 1985
O les invalids, N.c.e. 1988
A rialzare i capi pioventi (To Raise the Raining Heads), N.c.e., Guaraldi, 1993
Nel tempo delle cose cieche (In The Time of Blind Things), N.c.e., 1995
Il bar del tempo (The Bar of Time), Guanda, 1999, (Winner of Montale, Camaiore, Metauro, S. Domenichino, and Caput Gauri prizes)
Non sei morto, amore (You Are Not Dead, Love), Quaderni del battello ebbro, 2001
Avrebbe amato chiunque (He Would Have Loved Anyone), Guanda, 2003
I santi scemi (The Silly Saints), Guaraldi, 1996
Non Fiction
L’avvenimento della poesia (The Event of Poetry), on-line, Guaraldi-Logos, 1999
Non una vita soltanto. Scritti da un’esperienza di poesia (Not Just a Life. Writings From an Experience of Poetry), Marietti, 2003
Main Anthologies and Works Edited
Preghiera della Vergine (The Virgin’s Prayer), Marietti, 2003Dante Alighieri, Commedia (Comedy), Rizzoli, 2001
Il pensiero dominante: Antologia della Poesia italiana 1970-2000 (The Dominant Thought, Anthology of Italian Poetry 1970-2000), Garzanti, 2001
Leopardi, l’amore (Leopardi, Love), Garzanti, 1999
Charles Péguy, Lui è qui (He is Here), Rizzoli, 1999
Ada Negri, Mia giovinezza (My Youth), Rizzoli, 1996
La sfida della ragione (The Challenge of Reason), Guaraldi, 1998
T.S. Eliot, I cori da La rocca (Choruses from ‘The Rock’), Rizzoli, 1996
Interesting websites
Language: Italian
Language: Italian, English
Poems of Davide Rondoni

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère