Davide Rondoni
Chartres and the news
Also for the children who go away in the darkand you can’t hold them back
not even as blood
beloved between your hands
lies Chartres which rises against the sky
an hour of ugly train from the capital
great rock that fills up with spires and figures
calling on the only God that understands
what it means to lose a son, see him
vanish, see him
go in the arms, so far too open,
of the wind
and now lower the head
on the bench, on the fleeting light
of rain in the fields
on the window pain that trembles
in the empty compartment
under the eye-lids the fire
that exults and cries
in those large windows
and wears out the gaze until it leaves
on the face only the beginnings.
© Translation: 2003, Gabriele Poole
Chartres e una notizia
Chartres e una notizia
Anche per i bambini che se ne vanno nel buioe non li puoi trattenere
nemmeno come sangue
amato tra le mani
sta Chartres che si alza contro il cielo
a un\'ora di brutto treno dalla capitale
grande pietra che si riempie di guglie e di figure
chiamando l’unico Dio che capisce
cos’è perdere un figlio, vederlo
sparire, vederlo
andare nelle braccia così troppo aperte
del vento
e adesso buttar giù la testa
sulla panca, sulla luce
fuggente di pioggia nei campi
sul finestrino che trema
nel vagone vuoto
sotto le palpebre il fuoco
che esulta e piange
in quelle grandi vetrate
e che consuma lo sguardo fino a lasciarne
sul viso solo gli inizi.
© 2003, Davide Rondoni
From: Avrebbe amato chiunque
Publisher: Guanda, Milano
From: Avrebbe amato chiunque
Publisher: Guanda, Milano
Poems of Davide Rondoni
Chartres and the news
Also for the children who go away in the darkand you can’t hold them back
not even as blood
beloved between your hands
lies Chartres which rises against the sky
an hour of ugly train from the capital
great rock that fills up with spires and figures
calling on the only God that understands
what it means to lose a son, see him
vanish, see him
go in the arms, so far too open,
of the wind
and now lower the head
on the bench, on the fleeting light
of rain in the fields
on the window pain that trembles
in the empty compartment
under the eye-lids the fire
that exults and cries
in those large windows
and wears out the gaze until it leaves
on the face only the beginnings.
© 2003, Gabriele Poole
From: Avrebbe amato chiunque
From: Avrebbe amato chiunque
Chartres and the news
Also for the children who go away in the darkand you can’t hold them back
not even as blood
beloved between your hands
lies Chartres which rises against the sky
an hour of ugly train from the capital
great rock that fills up with spires and figures
calling on the only God that understands
what it means to lose a son, see him
vanish, see him
go in the arms, so far too open,
of the wind
and now lower the head
on the bench, on the fleeting light
of rain in the fields
on the window pain that trembles
in the empty compartment
under the eye-lids the fire
that exults and cries
in those large windows
and wears out the gaze until it leaves
on the face only the beginnings.
© 2003, Gabriele Poole

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère