Poetry International Poetry International

Veronica Jimenez

Veronica Jimenez

Veronica Jimenez

(Chile, 1964)
Verónica Jiménez, a writer, journalist and independent publisher, was born in Santiago, Chile.
In 1999, Jimenez published her first book,  Islas Flotantes (Floating Islands). Her second collection of poems, entitled Palabras Hexagonales (Hexagonal Words), was published in 2002 and awarded honorable mention in the Literature Prize contest ofthe municipality of Santiago. In 2011, she published Nada tiene que ver el amor con el amor (Nothing has to do with love with love). This book was translated into Italian by Sabrina Foschini (L’amore non ha niente a che fare con l’amore) and published in 2014 by Raffaelli Editore, Rimini, Italy. Verónica Jiménez has written numerous articles on literature, as well as a range of essays on popular Chilean poetry. One of them, entitled Cantores que reflexionan. Cultura y poesía popular en Chile (Singers who reflect. Culture and popular poetry in Chile) was named the best unpublished essay in 2012 by the National Council for Culture and the Arts.

Her most recent book, La aridez y las piedras (Aridity and Stones) was published in 2016. Some of her poems have been translated into Arabic by the Egyptian poet Ahmad Yamani. She has also written a novel entitled Los emisarios (The Emissaries), published in 2015. As a publisher she has been in charge of editing such authors as José Kozer and Donna Stonecipher.
© Verónica Jiménez
Islas Flotantes (Floating Islands), Editorial Stratis, 1999;
Palabras Hexagonales (Hexagonal Words), Editorial Quimantú, 2002;
Nada tiene que ver el amor con el amor (Nothing has to do love with love), Piedra de Sol Ediciones, 2012.
L’amore non ha niente a che fare con l’amore, 2014 (Raffaelli Editore, Rimini, Italy).
Los emisarios (The Emissaries), novel, Garceta Ediciones, 2015;
La aridez y las piedras (Aridity and Stones), Garceta Ediciones, 2016.

The poet in Italian translation
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