Poetry International Poetry International

Dumitru Crudu

Dumitru Crudu

Dumitru Crudu

(Moldova, Republic of, 1967)
Dumitru Crudu was born in Flutura, a village in the centre of the Soviet republic of Moldavia, now the Republic of Moldova, on 9th November 1967. He studied journalism in the Moldavian capital Chişinău and the Georgian capital Tbilisi and obtained a degree in philology from the universities of the Romanian cities Braşov and Sibiu. In 1994, he debuted with the simultaneous publication of two collections of poems: Falsul Dimitrie (The false Dimitri) and E închis vă rugăm nu insistaţi (Closed, please do not insist).
In 1998, Crudu collaborated with Marius Ianuş to issue the Fracturist Manifesto which declares: 'During the night of 10th September, we were beaten up in the street. Since then we have been calling our writings fractures.' Thus the word 'fracture' must first be interpreted physically, and only then as a break with the literary populace. 'Fracturism defies the library rats,' the manifesto continues, 'and the prizewinning poets, as well as the poetry written on faculty degree certificates. Fracturism is a movement developed by writers who write as they live, and who banish social lies from their poetry. The writers joining the movement have no hope of a career or ambitions, they do not see the art as the kind of business to profit from.'

Nonetheless, in 2003, Dumitru Crudu won a competition for best play organised by the Romanian Drama Society and the Princess Margareta of Romania Fund, which put his career firmly and profitably on the rails. To date, he has written seven plays, some of which have been filmed. His plays also found an audience outside the Romanian-speaking region, with performances in Bulgaria, Germany, France, Haiti, Italy, Cameroon and Sweden.

When he was forty, Crudu switched to writing prose, including the novel Măcel in Georgia [Slaughter in Georgia], 2008, and the collected stories Salutari lui Troţki (Greetings from Trotsky), 2016.
© Jan H. Mysjkin (Translated by Christane Zwerner)

Falsul Dimitrie, Editura Arhipelag, Târgu-Mureş, 1994.
E închis vă rugăm nu deranjaţi, Editura Pontica, Constanţa, 1994.
Şase cânturi pentru cei care vor să închirieze apartamente, Editura Paralela 45, Piteşti, 1996.
Poooooooooate, Editura Vinea, Bucureşti, 2004.
Falsul Dimitrie. Antologie de versuri, Editura Cartier, Chişinău, 2014.
La revedere tată, Editura Tracus Arte, Bucureşti, 2015.

Crima sângeroasă din staţiunea violetelor, Editura ARC, Chişinău, 2001.
Salvaţi Bostonul, Editura Cartier, Chişinău, 2001.
Alegerea lui Alexandru Suţţo, Editura Unitext, Bucureşti, 2004.
Duelul şi alte texte, Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2004.
Un concert la violă pentru câini, Editura Xerox, Chişinău, 2004.
Steaua fără… Mihail Sebastian, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 2006.
Oameni ai nimănui, Editura Cartier, Chişinău, 2007.

Măcel in Georgia, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2008.
Oameni din Chişinău, Editura Tracus Arte, Bucureşti, 2011.
Un american la Chişinău, Casa de Pariuri Literare, Bucureşti, 2013.
Salutări lui Troţki, Editura Univers, Bucureşti, 2016.

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