Poetry International Poetry International

Julio Carrasco

Julio Carrasco

Julio Carrasco

(Chile, 1969)
Poet Julio Carrasco is a member of Casagrande, a Chilean art collective responsible for multidisciplinary interventions in urban spaces, among them - the Bombing of Poems - a performance in which cities that have experienced aerial bombing in the past are sprinkled with poems in the present: thus far - La Moneda in Chile, Dubrovnik, Guernica, Warsaw, Berlin, London and Milan. A musician, novelist, and civil engineer, in addition to being a poet, he has contributed to the soundtracks of several Chilean films.
Descendants of Jewish anarchists who fled from the pogroms of the early 20th century Ukraine, the poet's parents were members of the Left Revolutionary Movement (MIR), a Chilean Marxist party, and were kidnapped during the Pinochet dictatorship. After the release of his mother, the family went into exile to Paris and three years later, to Havana, where his father underwent a surgery to remove a bullet lodged in his leg. Julio Carrasco returned to Chile in 1993, after finishing his engineering studies in Cuba. He studied music composition at the University of Chile and is the lead singer of the rock band Los Muebles.
© Julio Carrasco

No se asegura regreso (Doubtful return) Ediciones Biblioteca Nacional, 2016
Travesía por el cabo de Hornos (A journey through Cape Horn) Ediciones Biblioteca Nacional, 2016
Mitlesebuch 110, Aphaia Verlag - Berlin, Germany, 2015
Fuimos a bombardear Croacia (We bombed Croatia) Alfaguara - Penguin Random House, 2015
Elogio de los reptiles (Praise of the reptiles) Ediciones Tácitas, 2014
Nuestra suerte cambiante en el firmamento (Our shifting fate in the firmament) Trópico sur editor - Montevideo, Uruguay, 2013
Despedidas Antárticas (Antartic farewells) Ediciones Mercurio-Aguilar, 2006
Sumatra, Ediciones Tácitas, 2005
El libro de los tiburones (Shark’s book) / Grupo Editorial Cachiyuyo, 1995

Poemas de Chile (Poems of Chile) / National Library of Chile. Selection by Thomas Harrys, Cristóbal Joannón, Floridor Pérez, 2014
Chilean poets: the Humboldt current / alba revew. Compilator: Constanza Cereza, 2013
Gutiérrez, Compilator: Andrés Braithwaite, 2013
Memoria poética. Reescrituras de La Araucana (Poetic Memory. Rewriting The Araucana) / Editors: Jaime Huenún and Luz A. Martinez / Editorial Cuarto Propio - Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Chile, 2010
Lugares poéticos: poetas chilenos eligen lugares de Santiago (Poetic places: Chilean poets writing about Santiago) Selection by Cecilia Castro & Rosario Garrido, Foramen Acus, 2010
El hacer poético (The poetic making) / Edition of Julio Ortega and María Ramírez Ribes. Entre Mares Colection, Universidad Veracruzana, México, 2008

Bombing of Poems
Lob der Reptilien von Julio Carrasco
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère