Luís Vaz de Camões
Since my eyes don’t tire of weeping . . .
Since my eyes don’t tire of weepingsorrows that don’t tire of weighing on me,
since nothing softens the fire I burn in
for one whose heart I could never soften,
let blind Love be my tireless guide
to lands I don’t know my way out of,
and let the whole world keep on listening
as long as my weak voice doesn’t fail.
And if there’s pity in hills, rivers
and valleys, or if there’s Love in beasts,
birds, plants, stones and streams,
let them hear my long tale of troubles
and use my sorrow to cure their own,
since greater griefs can cure smaller ones.
© Translation: 2006, Richard Zenith
Since my eyes don’t tire of weeping . . .
Pois meus olhos não cansam de chorar
tristezas, que não cansam de cansar-me;
pois não abranda o fogo em que abrasar-me
pôde quem eu jamais pude abrandar;
não canse o cego Amor de me guiar
a parte donde não saiba tornar-me;
nem deixe o mundo todo de escutar-me,
enquanto me a voz fraca não deixar.
E se nos montes, rios, ou em vales,
piedade mora, ou dentro mora Amor
em feras, aves, prantas, pedras, águas,
ouçam a longa história de meus males
e curem sua dor com minha dor;
que grandes mágoas podem curar mágoas.
tristezas, que não cansam de cansar-me;
pois não abranda o fogo em que abrasar-me
pôde quem eu jamais pude abrandar;
não canse o cego Amor de me guiar
a parte donde não saiba tornar-me;
nem deixe o mundo todo de escutar-me,
enquanto me a voz fraca não deixar.
E se nos montes, rios, ou em vales,
piedade mora, ou dentro mora Amor
em feras, aves, prantas, pedras, águas,
ouçam a longa história de meus males
e curem sua dor com minha dor;
que grandes mágoas podem curar mágoas.
© 1595, Luís Vaz de Camões
From: Rimas
Publisher: Almedina, Coímbra
From: Rimas
Publisher: Almedina, Coímbra
Poems of Luís Vaz de Camões
Since my eyes don’t tire of weeping . . .
Since my eyes don’t tire of weepingsorrows that don’t tire of weighing on me,
since nothing softens the fire I burn in
for one whose heart I could never soften,
let blind Love be my tireless guide
to lands I don’t know my way out of,
and let the whole world keep on listening
as long as my weak voice doesn’t fail.
And if there’s pity in hills, rivers
and valleys, or if there’s Love in beasts,
birds, plants, stones and streams,
let them hear my long tale of troubles
and use my sorrow to cure their own,
since greater griefs can cure smaller ones.
© 2006, Richard Zenith
From: Rimas
From: Rimas
Since my eyes don’t tire of weeping . . .
Since my eyes don’t tire of weepingsorrows that don’t tire of weighing on me,
since nothing softens the fire I burn in
for one whose heart I could never soften,
let blind Love be my tireless guide
to lands I don’t know my way out of,
and let the whole world keep on listening
as long as my weak voice doesn’t fail.
And if there’s pity in hills, rivers
and valleys, or if there’s Love in beasts,
birds, plants, stones and streams,
let them hear my long tale of troubles
and use my sorrow to cure their own,
since greater griefs can cure smaller ones.
© 2006, Richard Zenith

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère