Luís Vaz de Camões
Little by little it ebbs, this lifeif by any chance I am still alive;
my brief time passes before my eyes;
I mourn the past in whatever I say,
as each day passes, step by step;
youth deserts me; what persists is pain.
And what a bitter variety of pain
that not for an hour in so long a life
could I give evil so much as a side step!
Surely, I’m better dead than alive?
Why complain, at last? What’s more to say,
having failed to be cheated by my own eyes?
Those lovely, gentle and lucid eyes
whose absence caused me as much pain
as her not understanding whatever I say!
If at the end of so long a short life
you should keep the burning ray alive
blessings will attend my every step.
But first I’m aware the ultimate step
must advance to close these sad eyes
love opened to those by which I live.
Pen and ink must witness to the pain
in writing of so troublesome a life
the little I lived through, and the more I say.
Oh, I know not why I write or what I say!
If contemplating yet another step
I envisage a sad version of life
that places no value on such eyes,
I cannot conceive how such pain
could find a pen to declare I’m alive.
In my heart, the embers are still alive;
if they found no relief in what I say
they would now have made ashes of my pain;
but beyond this grief I overstep,
I’m softened by the tears of those eyes
that, though life is fleeting, keep me alive.
I am dying alive;
in death I live;
I see without eyes;
tongue-less I speak;
they march in goose step,
glory and pain.
© Translation: 2006, Landeg White
Foge-me pouco a pouco a curta vida(se por caso é verdade que inda vivo);
vai-se-me o breve tempo d’ante os olhos;
choro pelo passado e quando falo,
se me passam os dias passo e passo,
vai-se-me, enfim, a idade e fica a pena.
Que maneira tão áspera de pena!
Que nunca ũa hora viu tão longa vida
em que possa do mal mover-se um passo.
Que mais me monta ser morto que vivo?
Para que choro, enfim? Para que falo,
se lograr-me não pude de meus olhos?
Ó fermosos, gentis e claros olhos,
cuja ausência me move a tanta pena
quanta se não comprende enquanto falo!
Se, no fim de tão longa e curta vida,
de vós m’inda inflamasse o raio vivo,
por bem teria tudo quanto passo.
Mas bem sei, que primeiro o extremo passo
me há-de vir a cerrar os tristes olhos
que Amor me mostre aqueles por que vivo.
Testemunhas serão a tinta e pena,
que escreveram de tão molesta vida
o menos que passei, e o mais que falo.
Oh! que não sei que escrevo, nem que falo!
Que se de um pensamento n’outro passo,
vejo tão triste género de vida
que, se lhe não valerem tantos olhos,
não posso imaginar qual seja a pena
que traslade esta pena com que vivo.
N’alma tenho contino um fogo vivo,
que, se não respirasse no que falo,
estaria já feita cinza a pena;
mas, sobre a maior dor que sofro e passo,
me temperam as lágrimas dos olhos
com que fugindo, não se acaba a vida.
Morrendo estou na vida,
e em morte vivo;
vejo sem olhos,
e sem língua falo;
e juntamente passo
glória e pena.
© 1595, Luís Vaz de Camões
From: Rimas
Publisher: Almedina, Coímbra
From: Rimas
Publisher: Almedina, Coímbra
Poems of Luís Vaz de Camões
Little by little it ebbs, this lifeif by any chance I am still alive;
my brief time passes before my eyes;
I mourn the past in whatever I say,
as each day passes, step by step;
youth deserts me; what persists is pain.
And what a bitter variety of pain
that not for an hour in so long a life
could I give evil so much as a side step!
Surely, I’m better dead than alive?
Why complain, at last? What’s more to say,
having failed to be cheated by my own eyes?
Those lovely, gentle and lucid eyes
whose absence caused me as much pain
as her not understanding whatever I say!
If at the end of so long a short life
you should keep the burning ray alive
blessings will attend my every step.
But first I’m aware the ultimate step
must advance to close these sad eyes
love opened to those by which I live.
Pen and ink must witness to the pain
in writing of so troublesome a life
the little I lived through, and the more I say.
Oh, I know not why I write or what I say!
If contemplating yet another step
I envisage a sad version of life
that places no value on such eyes,
I cannot conceive how such pain
could find a pen to declare I’m alive.
In my heart, the embers are still alive;
if they found no relief in what I say
they would now have made ashes of my pain;
but beyond this grief I overstep,
I’m softened by the tears of those eyes
that, though life is fleeting, keep me alive.
I am dying alive;
in death I live;
I see without eyes;
tongue-less I speak;
they march in goose step,
glory and pain.
© 2006, Landeg White
From: Rimas
From: Rimas
Little by little it ebbs, this lifeif by any chance I am still alive;
my brief time passes before my eyes;
I mourn the past in whatever I say,
as each day passes, step by step;
youth deserts me; what persists is pain.
And what a bitter variety of pain
that not for an hour in so long a life
could I give evil so much as a side step!
Surely, I’m better dead than alive?
Why complain, at last? What’s more to say,
having failed to be cheated by my own eyes?
Those lovely, gentle and lucid eyes
whose absence caused me as much pain
as her not understanding whatever I say!
If at the end of so long a short life
you should keep the burning ray alive
blessings will attend my every step.
But first I’m aware the ultimate step
must advance to close these sad eyes
love opened to those by which I live.
Pen and ink must witness to the pain
in writing of so troublesome a life
the little I lived through, and the more I say.
Oh, I know not why I write or what I say!
If contemplating yet another step
I envisage a sad version of life
that places no value on such eyes,
I cannot conceive how such pain
could find a pen to declare I’m alive.
In my heart, the embers are still alive;
if they found no relief in what I say
they would now have made ashes of my pain;
but beyond this grief I overstep,
I’m softened by the tears of those eyes
that, though life is fleeting, keep me alive.
I am dying alive;
in death I live;
I see without eyes;
tongue-less I speak;
they march in goose step,
glory and pain.
© 2006, Landeg White

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère