Vlado Bulić
haiku from this part of the worldshould picture
an old man with a partisan face
buying a Happy Meal at McDonald’s,
his granddaughter with a Barbie doll in her hand,
a couple of flags for it is a National Holiday
and a black stray bitch with pups in tow
at the station for Velika Gorica.
but, I do not want to fuck around with the form.
haiku from my childhood would picture
a store,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in my grandfather’s hand,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in Mate Zagreb’s hand,
and a priest who is just passing by.
a part of the moment is a three-year old me
sitting on a crate of beer, while the two teach him to swear:
I fuck you and the nails from Jesus’ cross/ Virgin cow / comrade God!!
and flags, naturally, for it is National Hero’s Day.
fuck it, nowhere have I seen as many flags as
in the places of my childhood.
© Translation: 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović
haiku s ovih prostoratrebao bi sadržavati
starca s partizanskim crtama lica
koji kupuje Happy meal u McDonaldsu,
njegovu unuku s Barbikom u ruci,
par zastava jer je Dan državnosti
i crnu skotnu kučku lutalicu
na stanici na Veliku Goricu.
ali, ne da mi se zajebavati s formom.
haiku iz mog djetinjstva sadržavao bi
bocu Ožujskog u djedovoj ruci,
bocu Ožujskog u ruci Mate Zagreba,
i popa koji je tu sasvim slučajno.
u momentu još sudjeluje i trogodišnje ja
kako sjedi na gajbi pive, a ova dvojica ga uče psovati:
Jeben ti čavle Isukrstove/ kravu Gospu/ druga Boga!!
i zastave, naravno, jer je Dan borca.
jebote, nigdje toliko zastava kao
u mjestima mog djetinjstva.
© 2000, Vlado Bulić
From: 100 komada
Publisher: SC Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb
From: 100 komada
Publisher: SC Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb
Poems of Vlado Bulić
haiku from this part of the worldshould picture
an old man with a partisan face
buying a Happy Meal at McDonald’s,
his granddaughter with a Barbie doll in her hand,
a couple of flags for it is a National Holiday
and a black stray bitch with pups in tow
at the station for Velika Gorica.
but, I do not want to fuck around with the form.
haiku from my childhood would picture
a store,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in my grandfather’s hand,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in Mate Zagreb’s hand,
and a priest who is just passing by.
a part of the moment is a three-year old me
sitting on a crate of beer, while the two teach him to swear:
I fuck you and the nails from Jesus’ cross/ Virgin cow / comrade God!!
and flags, naturally, for it is National Hero’s Day.
fuck it, nowhere have I seen as many flags as
in the places of my childhood.
© 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović
From: 100 komada
From: 100 komada
haiku from this part of the worldshould picture
an old man with a partisan face
buying a Happy Meal at McDonald’s,
his granddaughter with a Barbie doll in her hand,
a couple of flags for it is a National Holiday
and a black stray bitch with pups in tow
at the station for Velika Gorica.
but, I do not want to fuck around with the form.
haiku from my childhood would picture
a store,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in my grandfather’s hand,
a bottle of Ožujsko beer in Mate Zagreb’s hand,
and a priest who is just passing by.
a part of the moment is a three-year old me
sitting on a crate of beer, while the two teach him to swear:
I fuck you and the nails from Jesus’ cross/ Virgin cow / comrade God!!
and flags, naturally, for it is National Hero’s Day.
fuck it, nowhere have I seen as many flags as
in the places of my childhood.
© 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère