Paulo Teixeira
Biographical Zone
Now that the world has slipped like a ballfrom out of god’s hands to cross through
spaceless night, we know death is waiting
like a meal at our table. We surrender
our lives to the luck of each minute
and run from hill to hill as a song
would run, pushed by the wind.
The train window, polished by ice
and fire, displays the familiar wastes
(look at the far ashes and fresh blood of twilight).
This was the world, Alma, this the image
I retain in my lungs when inhaling. If the air
escapes from my mouth I know I’ve lost everything,
it’s another world, and I, believe me, am its witness.
All we have left is our memory of things touched
and deleted on the map of poignant absence:
Prague, Hamburg, Leipzig, Vienna, that dusky
biographical zone where we let go of the past
and lost the schedule of the future.
© Translation: 1997, Richard Zenith
Zona Biográfica
Zona Biográfica
Agora que o mundo deslizou como uma boladas mãos de deus e cruza a noite vazia
dos espaços sabemos que a morte nos espera
disposta como uma refeição à nossa mesa.
Rendemos à sorte de cada minuto as nossas
vidas e corremos de monte em monte como
correria uma canção levada pelo vento.
A janela do comboio desenha, alisada
pelo gelo e o fogo, as ermas paisagens conhecidas
(ao longe, vê, a cinza e o sangue novo do crepúsculo).
Alma, era este o mundo, a imagem que retenho,
ao inspirar, nos meus brônquios. Quando o ar
se evadir da minha boca sei que perdi tudo,
é outro o mundo e sou eu, crê-me, a sua testemunha.
Nada nos resta senão lembrar as coisas tocadas
e suprimidas nesse mapa de ausência compassiva:
Praga, Hamburgo, Leipzig, Viena, essa obscura
zona biográfica onde largámos o passado
e perdemos a pauta dos horários futuros.
From: Inventário e despedida
Publisher: Caminho, Lisboa
Publisher: Caminho, Lisboa
Poems of Paulo Teixeira
Biographical Zone
Now that the world has slipped like a ballfrom out of god’s hands to cross through
spaceless night, we know death is waiting
like a meal at our table. We surrender
our lives to the luck of each minute
and run from hill to hill as a song
would run, pushed by the wind.
The train window, polished by ice
and fire, displays the familiar wastes
(look at the far ashes and fresh blood of twilight).
This was the world, Alma, this the image
I retain in my lungs when inhaling. If the air
escapes from my mouth I know I’ve lost everything,
it’s another world, and I, believe me, am its witness.
All we have left is our memory of things touched
and deleted on the map of poignant absence:
Prague, Hamburg, Leipzig, Vienna, that dusky
biographical zone where we let go of the past
and lost the schedule of the future.
© 1997, Richard Zenith
From: Inventário e despedida
From: Inventário e despedida
Biographical Zone
Now that the world has slipped like a ballfrom out of god’s hands to cross through
spaceless night, we know death is waiting
like a meal at our table. We surrender
our lives to the luck of each minute
and run from hill to hill as a song
would run, pushed by the wind.
The train window, polished by ice
and fire, displays the familiar wastes
(look at the far ashes and fresh blood of twilight).
This was the world, Alma, this the image
I retain in my lungs when inhaling. If the air
escapes from my mouth I know I’ve lost everything,
it’s another world, and I, believe me, am its witness.
All we have left is our memory of things touched
and deleted on the map of poignant absence:
Prague, Hamburg, Leipzig, Vienna, that dusky
biographical zone where we let go of the past
and lost the schedule of the future.
© 1997, Richard Zenith

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère