Eugénio de Andrade
They are like a crystal,words.
Some a dagger,
some a blaze.
merely dew.
Secret they come, full of memory.
Insecurely they sail:
cockleboats or kisses,
the waters trembling.
Abandoned, innocent,
They are woven of light.
They are the night.
And even pallid
they recall green paradise.
Who hears them? Who
gathers them, thus,
cruel, shapeless,
in their pure shells?
© Translation: 1985, Alexis Levitin
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: Perivale Press, Los Angeles, 1985
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: Perivale Press, Los Angeles, 1985
As Palavras
As Palavras
São como um cristal,as palavras.
Algumas, um punhal,
um incêndio.
orvalho apenas.
Secretas vêm, cheias de memória.
Inseguras navegam:
barcos ou beijos,
as águas estremecem.
Desamparadas, inocentes,
Tecidas são de luz
e são a noite.
E mesmo pálidas
verdes paraísos lembram ainda.
Quem as escuta? Quem
as recolhe, assim,
cruéis, desfeitas,
nas suas conchas puras?
© 1958, Eugénio de Andrade
From: Coração do Dia
Publisher: Limiar, Oporto
From: Coração do Dia
Publisher: Limiar, Oporto
Poems of Eugénio de Andrade
They are like a crystal,words.
Some a dagger,
some a blaze.
merely dew.
Secret they come, full of memory.
Insecurely they sail:
cockleboats or kisses,
the waters trembling.
Abandoned, innocent,
They are woven of light.
They are the night.
And even pallid
they recall green paradise.
Who hears them? Who
gathers them, thus,
cruel, shapeless,
in their pure shells?
© 1985, Alexis Levitin
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: 1985, Perivale Press, Los Angeles
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: 1985, Perivale Press, Los Angeles
They are like a crystal,words.
Some a dagger,
some a blaze.
merely dew.
Secret they come, full of memory.
Insecurely they sail:
cockleboats or kisses,
the waters trembling.
Abandoned, innocent,
They are woven of light.
They are the night.
And even pallid
they recall green paradise.
Who hears them? Who
gathers them, thus,
cruel, shapeless,
in their pure shells?
© 1985, Alexis Levitin
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: 1985, Perivale Press, Los Angeles
From: Inhabited Heart
Publisher: 1985, Perivale Press, Los Angeles

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