Poetry International Poetry International

Ed Leeflang


When they start to connect the signs
with things that they possess, doll, lip
or know, man, lamb, I see
how solemnly they are absorbed
in the exacting tale: Ann eats.
How about John?

In vain I look back for the moment
when this happened to me
the rapture or disaster of literacy.

I don\'t know if it took
or gave. I have been all my life,
I think, in love, betrayed
and literate.

Wanneer zij tekens gaan verbinden

Wanneer zij tekens gaan verbinden
met dingen die ze hebben, pop en lip,
of kennen, man en lam, zie ik
hoe ernstig ze verzinken
in de veeleisende roman: Ans eet.
Eet Kees?

Vruchteloos zoek ik het moment
waarop datzelfde mij is overkomen,
geluk of ramp van de belezenheid.

Ik weer niet of het nam of gaf.
Ik denk dat ik zolang ik leef
verliefd, bedrogen en geletterd
ben geweest.


When they start to connect the signs
with things that they possess, doll, lip
or know, man, lamb, I see
how solemnly they are absorbed
in the exacting tale: Ann eats.
How about John?

In vain I look back for the moment
when this happened to me
the rapture or disaster of literacy.

I don\'t know if it took
or gave. I have been all my life,
I think, in love, betrayed
and literate.


When they start to connect the signs
with things that they possess, doll, lip
or know, man, lamb, I see
how solemnly they are absorbed
in the exacting tale: Ann eats.
How about John?

In vain I look back for the moment
when this happened to me
the rapture or disaster of literacy.

I don\'t know if it took
or gave. I have been all my life,
I think, in love, betrayed
and literate.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère