Poetry International Poetry International

Valerio Magrelli

Sono al cinema, in cura

Let us not adopt those spectacles that sadly enclose
a few people in a dark center,
keeping them fearful and immobile in silence and inertia.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I sit at the movies, convalescing, given
to a quiet physiotherapy,
to the exposure of a reflected glow.
The exchange is fervid,
I seek to be healed,
become the screen\'s screen, yield
the same vast presence of my body
to a lunar art. An absent bystander,
I am the patient of my passion.
Fixed in shared darkness
I observe the light\'s descent,
its catabasis.
I stop in a wood,
watch the film of snow
fall on the countryside, upon the creche
of this artificial night, curving
over the mute theater
in the current of the story.
Eyeing that lit window,
I see someone pass behind the pane
signal my way,
signalling to all
the sick and invalid here, posing
for the group photo.

Sono al cinema, in cura

Non adottiamo quegli spettacoli che rinchiudono
tristemente poche persone in un centro oscuro,
tenendole timorose e immobili nel silenzio e nell\'inerzia
                                      Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sono al cinema, in cura, votato
ad una quieta fisioterapia,
l\'esposizione a un chiarore riflesso.
Ferve lo scambio,
cerco la guarigione,
faccio lo schermo dello schermo, cedo
la vasta compresenza del mio corpo
a un\'opera lunare. Astante, assente,
sono il paziente della mia passione.
fermo nel buio condiviso
osservo la discesa della luce,
la sua catabasi.
Sosto in un bosco,
guardo la pellicola di neve
cadere sul paesaggio, sul presepe
di questa notte artificiale, curva
sopra la sala muta
nella corrente del racconto.
Fisso quella finestra illuminata
e scorgo chi passando dietro ai vetri
mi fa segno,
fa segno a questa gente
invalida, malata, messa in posa
per la foto di gruppo.

Sono al cinema, in cura

Let us not adopt those spectacles that sadly enclose
a few people in a dark center,
keeping them fearful and immobile in silence and inertia.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I sit at the movies, convalescing, given
to a quiet physiotherapy,
to the exposure of a reflected glow.
The exchange is fervid,
I seek to be healed,
become the screen\'s screen, yield
the same vast presence of my body
to a lunar art. An absent bystander,
I am the patient of my passion.
Fixed in shared darkness
I observe the light\'s descent,
its catabasis.
I stop in a wood,
watch the film of snow
fall on the countryside, upon the creche
of this artificial night, curving
over the mute theater
in the current of the story.
Eyeing that lit window,
I see someone pass behind the pane
signal my way,
signalling to all
the sick and invalid here, posing
for the group photo.

Sono al cinema, in cura

Let us not adopt those spectacles that sadly enclose
a few people in a dark center,
keeping them fearful and immobile in silence and inertia.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I sit at the movies, convalescing, given
to a quiet physiotherapy,
to the exposure of a reflected glow.
The exchange is fervid,
I seek to be healed,
become the screen\'s screen, yield
the same vast presence of my body
to a lunar art. An absent bystander,
I am the patient of my passion.
Fixed in shared darkness
I observe the light\'s descent,
its catabasis.
I stop in a wood,
watch the film of snow
fall on the countryside, upon the creche
of this artificial night, curving
over the mute theater
in the current of the story.
Eyeing that lit window,
I see someone pass behind the pane
signal my way,
signalling to all
the sick and invalid here, posing
for the group photo.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère