Poetry International Poetry International

Marco Pelliccioli

'Not only death, you know, frightens me'

Not only death, you know, frightens me
but this prevailing, everlasting
here and now
that, in two clicks, devours
history, fathers and roots
ditching me, the father, the son in her womb,
orphaned and lonely...
Garments, debris, swishes and shards,
the shattered earth:
“Who are we?”
you ask me now...

'Niet alleen het sterven, weet je, beangstigt me'

Niet alleen het sterven, weet je, beangstigt me
maar dit eeuwige, heersende heden
dat de vaders, de wortels, het verleden verzwelgt
met slechts enkele klikken
en mij, vader, verlaat, de zoon in haar schoot
een wees, alleen …
scherven, puin, kleding, ruis,
gebarsten aarde:
“Wie zijn we?”
dat vraag je me nu …

'Non solo la morte'

Non solo la morte, sai, mi spaventa
ma questo eterno, imperante presente
che fagocita i padri, le radici, la storia
con un paio di clic
e lascia me padre, il figlio nel ventre di lei
orfani, soli…
Cocci, detriti, vesti, fruscii,
la terra spaccata:
“Chi siamo?”
mi chiedi ora tu…


'Not only death, you know, frightens me'

Not only death, you know, frightens me
but this prevailing, everlasting
here and now
that, in two clicks, devours
history, fathers and roots
ditching me, the father, the son in her womb,
orphaned and lonely...
Garments, debris, swishes and shards,
the shattered earth:
“Who are we?”
you ask me now...

'Not only death, you know, frightens me'

Not only death, you know, frightens me
but this prevailing, everlasting
here and now
that, in two clicks, devours
history, fathers and roots
ditching me, the father, the son in her womb,
orphaned and lonely...
Garments, debris, swishes and shards,
the shattered earth:
“Who are we?”
you ask me now...

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère