Ingmar Heytze
My father looks back in 8mmcamerayears.
The projector in the basement rattles strips of time:
the hawthorn and the laburnum, mum, sis,
patchwork cat, the blackbird’s nest, the dunes and the sea
on which I try to sail away in a wooden
crate, still now, in silence. My father, eternally
out of the picture, glues our lives together.
Directing, editing. Glue and scissors.
From: Voor de liefste onbekende
Publisher: First publication on, , 2023
Mijn vader kijkt om in smalfilmjaren.
De projector in de kelder ratelt reepjes tijd:
de meidoorn en de goudenregen, mama, zusje,
lapjespoes, het merelnest, de duinen en de zee
waarop ik weg probeer te varen in een houten
krat, nu nog, in stilte. Mijn vader, eeuwig
buiten beeld, plakt ons leven aan elkaar.
Regie, montage. Lijm en schaar.
From: Voor de liefste onbekende
Publisher: Uitgeverij Podium, Amsterdam
My father looks back in 8mmcamerayears.
The projector in the basement rattles strips of time:
the hawthorn and the laburnum, mum, sis,
patchwork cat, the blackbird’s nest, the dunes and the sea
on which I try to sail away in a wooden
crate, still now, in silence. My father, eternally
out of the picture, glues our lives together.
Directing, editing. Glue and scissors.
From: Voor de liefste onbekende
Publisher: 2023, First publication on, Amsterdam
My father looks back in 8mmcamerayears.
The projector in the basement rattles strips of time:
the hawthorn and the laburnum, mum, sis,
patchwork cat, the blackbird’s nest, the dunes and the sea
on which I try to sail away in a wooden
crate, still now, in silence. My father, eternally
out of the picture, glues our lives together.
Directing, editing. Glue and scissors.
From: Voor de liefste onbekende
Publisher: 2023, First publication on,