Poetry International Poetry International

Kim Yideum


                                   Deliver us from love
                                   —Suzanne Brøgger

On the ladle catches gaping cow shank. Tunnels are formed in the long-boiled bone.
With a baby on her back, a woman was running beneath the underpass. A head fell from the baby wrap and rolled to my feet. Carelessly I kicked it into the river. The beggar woman was batshit crazy and kept on running.
A cow mooed from uncle’s front yard. My school uniform skirt was rolled up higher.

Someone sent me a bone. What the sender looked like I had no idea. I grabbed my stomach laughing. Scrawny legs. Snake-patterned skin on the bloated belly. Hope to devour a croaking frog. Summer is there right before dark.

My constitution has changed. Beloved, entropy, excessive.
Lying parallel to the floor, one is caught in the charm of fear. Deathly pale is a beautiful color.

The newborn was a mixed baby with many fine lines. I drew a line farther than the horizon, or the crescent marks. Milk for the little one, cereal for me. Could we have lived together? I wish latent blue eyes germinate and other forms gradually move on to greater oblivion.

Just pay the medical bill. Online transaction was easy. A body with no single fingerprint on it, the pale little moon. A young couple wraps it and disappears. What matters is the afterword. No need to pay the fare to the baby basket

The day when all the cows in the village headed for the pit and it poured before seeing clouds. Oh, fluffy hair appeared and vanished between thighs, again.
Is there anything fun enough to risk my life. What’s that, walking into the river.
Something round sucked into a white circle across the river.


                             Verlos ons van de liefde.
                             – Suzanne Brøgger

De soeplepel schept een gespleten mergpijp op. Er loopt een tunnel door het uitgekookte bot.
Een vrouw met een kindje op haar rug rende onder het viaduct door. Uit de draagdoek viel een babyhoofd en het rolde naar mij toe. Instinctief schopte ik het naar de rivier. De dakloze vrouw rende verder, compleet geschift.
In de voortuin van de meneer loeide een koe. Ik rolde het rokje van mijn schooluniform verder omhoog.

Iemand stuurde me een bot. Ik heb geen idee hoe de afzender eruit ziet. Ik hield mijn buik vast en lachte. Mijn magere benen. Aan de rechterkant van mijn opgezwollen buik is mijn huid bedekt met een slangenpatroon. Wil een kwakende kikker oppeuzelen. De zomer arriveert vlak voor het donker.

Mijn fysieke gestel is veranderd. Geliefd, entropie, excessief.
Gestrekt op de vloer word je gegrepen door de charme van angst. Lijkbleek, een prachtige kleur. 

De pasgeboren baby was een gemengd kind met veel dunne lijnen. Ik trok een lijn verder dan de horizon, verder dan de maanafdruk. Melk voor de kleine, cornflakes voor mij. Hadden we samen verder kunnen leven? Ontkiemden zijn slapende blauwe ogen maar, bestonden er maar andere vormen die zich langzaam tot vergetelheid ontwikkelden.

Betaalt u de ziekenhuisrekening anders maar. Online aankopen zijn zo gepiept. Een lijfje zonder een enkele vingerafdruk. Een klein bleek hemellichaam. Het jonge stel dat er een doek omheen sloeg en verdween. Het nawoord, dát doet ertoe. De toeslag voor een kinderwagen betalen? Nergens voor nodig.

De dag dat alle koeien van het dorp naar de kuil liepen toen het begon te stortregenen voor je de wolken kon zien. Och, pluizig haar groeide tussen mijn dijen en verdween, voor de zoveelste keer.
Is er iets spannend genoeg om je leven ervoor te wagen? Wat is dat daar, dat wat de rivier in loopt?
Iets ronds dat aan de overkant van de rivier door een witte cirkel wordt opgezogen.

표류하는 흑발

                                   우리들을 사랑으로부터 구하소서
                                   —수전 브로커

국자에 뻐끔한 쇠옹두리가 걸린다 꽤 곤 뼈에는 터널이 있다.
굴다리 아래 애 업은 여자가 뛰고 있었다 포대기에서 두상이 떨어졌다 내게 굴러왔다 무심코 발로 차 강으로 보냈다 거지 여자는 미친년이었고 여전히 뛰고 있었다
아저씨네 앞마당에서 암소가 울었다 더 짧게 교복 치마를 접어 올렸다 

뼈를 보내왔다 발신자 얼굴은 모른다 배 잡고 웃었다 다리 부풀어 오른 배 위에 뱀 무늬로 터진 피부가 있다 우는 개구리 잡아먹고 싶다 어두워지기 직전에 여름이 있다 

체질이 바뀌었다 사랑하는 엔트로피 과다한
바닥과 수평이 되면 두려움이 주는 매력에 사로잡힌다 사색은 예쁜 색 

갓난애는 실금 많은 혼혈아 달 무늬보다 수평선보다 멀리 금을 그렀다 그 애는 우유 나는 시리얼 함께 살 수 있었을까 잠재된 푸른 눈은 발아하고 다른 형상은 차차 장대한 망각으로 가기를
병원비만 내주세요 인터넷 거래는 쉬웠다 최소한의 지문도 찍지 않은 몸 핏기 없는 달덩이 싸매고 사라지는 젊은 부부 중요한 건 여담 아기 바구니까지 차비 들 일 없다 

마음의 모든 소가 구덩이를 향해 가고 구름을 보기 전에 폭우가 내리던 날 오오 보드라운 머릿결은 허벅지 사이에서 나타났다 사라졌다가 다시
목숨을 걸 만큼 재밌는 게 없을까 저건 뭘까 강물 속으로 걸어 들어간다\
강 너머 흰 원 안으로 빨려 들어가는 둥그런 거



                                   Deliver us from love
                                   —Suzanne Brøgger

On the ladle catches gaping cow shank. Tunnels are formed in the long-boiled bone.
With a baby on her back, a woman was running beneath the underpass. A head fell from the baby wrap and rolled to my feet. Carelessly I kicked it into the river. The beggar woman was batshit crazy and kept on running.
A cow mooed from uncle’s front yard. My school uniform skirt was rolled up higher.

Someone sent me a bone. What the sender looked like I had no idea. I grabbed my stomach laughing. Scrawny legs. Snake-patterned skin on the bloated belly. Hope to devour a croaking frog. Summer is there right before dark.

My constitution has changed. Beloved, entropy, excessive.
Lying parallel to the floor, one is caught in the charm of fear. Deathly pale is a beautiful color.

The newborn was a mixed baby with many fine lines. I drew a line farther than the horizon, or the crescent marks. Milk for the little one, cereal for me. Could we have lived together? I wish latent blue eyes germinate and other forms gradually move on to greater oblivion.

Just pay the medical bill. Online transaction was easy. A body with no single fingerprint on it, the pale little moon. A young couple wraps it and disappears. What matters is the afterword. No need to pay the fare to the baby basket

The day when all the cows in the village headed for the pit and it poured before seeing clouds. Oh, fluffy hair appeared and vanished between thighs, again.
Is there anything fun enough to risk my life. What’s that, walking into the river.
Something round sucked into a white circle across the river.


                                   Deliver us from love
                                   —Suzanne Brøgger

On the ladle catches gaping cow shank. Tunnels are formed in the long-boiled bone.
With a baby on her back, a woman was running beneath the underpass. A head fell from the baby wrap and rolled to my feet. Carelessly I kicked it into the river. The beggar woman was batshit crazy and kept on running.
A cow mooed from uncle’s front yard. My school uniform skirt was rolled up higher.

Someone sent me a bone. What the sender looked like I had no idea. I grabbed my stomach laughing. Scrawny legs. Snake-patterned skin on the bloated belly. Hope to devour a croaking frog. Summer is there right before dark.

My constitution has changed. Beloved, entropy, excessive.
Lying parallel to the floor, one is caught in the charm of fear. Deathly pale is a beautiful color.

The newborn was a mixed baby with many fine lines. I drew a line farther than the horizon, or the crescent marks. Milk for the little one, cereal for me. Could we have lived together? I wish latent blue eyes germinate and other forms gradually move on to greater oblivion.

Just pay the medical bill. Online transaction was easy. A body with no single fingerprint on it, the pale little moon. A young couple wraps it and disappears. What matters is the afterword. No need to pay the fare to the baby basket

The day when all the cows in the village headed for the pit and it poured before seeing clouds. Oh, fluffy hair appeared and vanished between thighs, again.
Is there anything fun enough to risk my life. What’s that, walking into the river.
Something round sucked into a white circle across the river.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère