WHILE YOU SLEEP - Kim Yideum - Korea, Republic of - Poetry International
Poetry International Poetry International

Kim Yideum


Running naked
though there are no trees, no buildings.
running full speed,
huffing hard for a place to hide.

When we get to the rest stop, I’ll wake her up.

She snores so loud, mouth open, with lips so red it’s like someone just kissed them.

And because she wears a skirt, anyone who looks at her cools down and
to regulate her speed and height
she makes a sound no one in the world can understand.
On this quiet bus, she is smashing ice with a straw, sucking the melted ice water and ice
leftover from the coffee in the plastic cup. 

She was trying to sell insurance before she fell asleep.
She called this and that person, but I guess she has no friends or family.
It wasn’t an attractive look.
Her eyes were red and the back of her hands were rough.
But before the night was over, she had a target to hit
and she wasn’t going to miss. 

I know that people think we’re just foxes or wolves with four legs or whatever, but

why is this woman seeking revenge with her uninsured physical phenomena? Isn’t revenge
harder than forgiveness?

Next to me slept this woman I was seeing for the first time in my life,
a woman no one trusts with direct insurance,
whose boss or manager I can’t even complain to, but
we’re all just sisters, sitting side by side.

I’m next to the those who struggle, clench their teeth, and snore
like they’re about to take their last breath. No one sleeps soundly, but
the howling chatter of sleep is better than the quiet night.

While you snore, I keep my ears open wide
just in case you stop breathing.


Ik ren naakt in het rond
hijgend, op zoek naar een schuilplaats
geen bomen, geen gebouwen
alle remmen los.

Als de bus bij de eindhalte stopt maak ik haar wakker. 

Ze snurkt veel te hard, mond op een kier, haar lippen rood als van andermans kus.

Haar rok brengt iedere kijker tot rust en
om haar snelheid en lengte aan te passen
maakt ze een geluid dat niemand ter wereld begrijpt.
In de lege bus slaat ze haar ijskoffie achterover om met het rietje de achtergebleven ijsklontjes te verbrijzelen en het gesmolten ijswater uit de plastic beker op te slurpen.

Voordat ze in slaap viel was ze bezig een verzekering te verkopen.
Ze belde met die en die, maar vrienden of familie heeft ze denk ik niet.
Het zag er niet bepaald aantrekkelijk uit.
Haar ogen waren rood, haar handen ruw.
Ze had een doel dat ze voor het einde van de avond wilde bereiken
koste wat het kost.

Mensen kunnen wel denken dat we viervoeters zijn, zoals vossen of wolven of zo, maar 

waarom wil deze vrouw wraak nemen met al haar onverzekerde fysieke fenomenen? Weet ze niet dat wraak meer moeite vergt dan vergiffenis? 

Naast me slaapt deze vrouw die ik nog nooit eerder heb gezien
een vrouw die niemand zou vertrouwen met een directe verzekering
bij wier baas of leidinggevende ik mijn beklag niet kan doen.
Toch hadden we zussen kunnen zijn, zij aan zij. 

De mensen om me heen woelen, knarsetanden en snurken
alsof ze naar adem snakken. Niemand slaapt vredig, maar liever dat kabaal dan een geruisloze nacht. 

Als je snurkt breng ik mijn oor naar je mond,
bang dat je ademhaling stopt.

당신이 잠든 사이

나체로 뛰어가는데
나무도 건물도 없겠지
숨을 곳을 찾아 숨을 몰아쉬며
전속력으로 달리는 거겠지 

버스가 휴게소에 도착할 때쯤 이 사람을 깨우리라 

당신은 지나치게 코를 골고 있다 방금 키스한 듯 빨갛게 번진 입술을 벌린 채 

보는 사람만 시원해지는 치마를 입고
도무지 밉지 않은 소리를 내며
스스로 속도와 키를 조절한다
이 소리는 조용한 버스에서 아이스커피를 쭉 들이켠 후 얼음만 남은 플라스틱 컵에 빨대를 꽂고 얼음물을 힘껏 반복적으로 빨아들이는 소리와 흡사하다

잠들기 전까지 이 사람은 보험을 권유하고 있었다 이 사람 저 사람에게 전화를 걸었지만 친구도 인척도 없었다
호감이 가는 외모는 아니었다
눈이 빨갛고 손등이 거칠었다
저녁이 다 가기 전에 달성해야 할 목표가 있었다 

사람들은 단지 우리가 다리 네 개 달린 여우나 늑대인 줄 알겠지만

이 여자는 나에게 비보장형 생리적 현상으로 복수를 하려는 걸까
복수가 용서보다 어려운 줄 모르는 걸까 

부장에게 사장에게 하지 못한 항의를 잠결에 옆자리에
다이렉트로 평생 안심도 안 믿는 처음 보는 여자에게
누가 봐도 나란히 앉은 자매 같겠지 

곤히 잠드는 이는 없었다 몸부림치거나 이를 악물거나 갈거나
숨넘어갈 듯 코를 고는 이들 곁이었다 울부짖는 잠꼬대가 밤의 부드러운 소음보다 좋았다 

당신이 코를 골다가 갑자기 호흡을 멈추게 될까 봐 나는 비스듬히 귀를 기울인다



Running naked
though there are no trees, no buildings.
running full speed,
huffing hard for a place to hide.

When we get to the rest stop, I’ll wake her up.

She snores so loud, mouth open, with lips so red it’s like someone just kissed them.

And because she wears a skirt, anyone who looks at her cools down and
to regulate her speed and height
she makes a sound no one in the world can understand.
On this quiet bus, she is smashing ice with a straw, sucking the melted ice water and ice
leftover from the coffee in the plastic cup. 

She was trying to sell insurance before she fell asleep.
She called this and that person, but I guess she has no friends or family.
It wasn’t an attractive look.
Her eyes were red and the back of her hands were rough.
But before the night was over, she had a target to hit
and she wasn’t going to miss. 

I know that people think we’re just foxes or wolves with four legs or whatever, but

why is this woman seeking revenge with her uninsured physical phenomena? Isn’t revenge
harder than forgiveness?

Next to me slept this woman I was seeing for the first time in my life,
a woman no one trusts with direct insurance,
whose boss or manager I can’t even complain to, but
we’re all just sisters, sitting side by side.

I’m next to the those who struggle, clench their teeth, and snore
like they’re about to take their last breath. No one sleeps soundly, but
the howling chatter of sleep is better than the quiet night.

While you snore, I keep my ears open wide
just in case you stop breathing.


Running naked
though there are no trees, no buildings.
running full speed,
huffing hard for a place to hide.

When we get to the rest stop, I’ll wake her up.

She snores so loud, mouth open, with lips so red it’s like someone just kissed them.

And because she wears a skirt, anyone who looks at her cools down and
to regulate her speed and height
she makes a sound no one in the world can understand.
On this quiet bus, she is smashing ice with a straw, sucking the melted ice water and ice
leftover from the coffee in the plastic cup. 

She was trying to sell insurance before she fell asleep.
She called this and that person, but I guess she has no friends or family.
It wasn’t an attractive look.
Her eyes were red and the back of her hands were rough.
But before the night was over, she had a target to hit
and she wasn’t going to miss. 

I know that people think we’re just foxes or wolves with four legs or whatever, but

why is this woman seeking revenge with her uninsured physical phenomena? Isn’t revenge
harder than forgiveness?

Next to me slept this woman I was seeing for the first time in my life,
a woman no one trusts with direct insurance,
whose boss or manager I can’t even complain to, but
we’re all just sisters, sitting side by side.

I’m next to the those who struggle, clench their teeth, and snore
like they’re about to take their last breath. No one sleeps soundly, but
the howling chatter of sleep is better than the quiet night.

While you snore, I keep my ears open wide
just in case you stop breathing.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère