Iduna Paalman
In the survivors’ city everything is expressedschematically. How much violence was committed, which attempts
failed, this is noted on signs underneath the house numbers.
In the back of your book there’s a list with all the conclusions
ever drawn, only the foolish pupil fails to read it.
Number 1: remembering can be learned, a matter of both
obedience and agreeing about the course of events with repulsion.
In the city there’s a gigantic pond in which anyone can swim,
cups and aspirins are handed out at the fountain. Here what they
call ‘mitigating circumstances’ prevail. Someone gives a speech
about the patch on a monk’s knee, as big as this
– his breast pocket – the only thing left of him is
my heart. Commemorating can also be learned it says in your book,
a matter of paying respect to everything you’ve ever been taught.
In the city essays are created as though they were houses offering
protection from cold and repetition. You’re a good student if you
write down sources correctly, a collective memory is a gift you
a right to from the age of fifteen on. Applications are rarely
a matter of knowing who survived
being able to say: our past belongs to the winners. In the city there
are a lot of mattress shops, the survivors work there as advisors.
If you lie down they ask you to remain quiet at the right moments,
question the authorities at the right moments, and finally whether
you agree
with the course of events. If you don’t agree they lift you up by your
and shove another layer beneath you. Assure you that now you
really will
get a good night’s sleep.
In de stad van de overlevenden is alles schematischonder woorden gebracht. Op bordjes onder huisnummers
staat hoeveel geweld is aangedaan, welke pogingen mislukten.
Achter in je boek is een lijst met alle conclusies die ooit
getrokken zijn, je bent een domme leerling als je die niet leest.
Nummer 1: herinneren is aan te leren, kwestie van zowel
gehoorzaam als met walging akkoord gaan met de gang van zaken.
In de stad ligt een gigantische vijver waarin iedereen mag
bij de fontein worden bekertjes en aspirines uitgedeeld. Hier
wat ze noemen verzachtende omstandigheden. Iemand houdt een
speech over de lap op de knie van een broer, zo groot als dit
– zijn borstzakje – het enige wat van hem overbleef
is mijn hart. Ook herdenken is aan te leren staat in je boek, kwestie
van je met eerbied verhouden tot alles wat je ooit is aangeleerd.
In de stad worden werkstukken gemaakt alsof het huizen zijn
die beschermen tegen kou en herhaling. Je bent een goede leerling
als je
je bronnen juist noteert, een collectief geheugen is een cadeau
waar je
vanaf je vijftiende recht op hebt. Een aanvraag wordt zelden
kwestie van weten wie er overleefden
kunnen zeggen: ons verleden is er een van winnaars. In de stad
veel matrassenwinkels, de overlevenden werken er als adviseur.
Als je gaat liggen vragen ze of je op de juiste momenten stil kunt
op de juiste momenten het gezag kunt bevragen, ten slotte of je
gaat met de gang van zaken. Als je niet akkoord gaat tillen ze je
aan je voeten
omhoog, schuiven er nog een laag onder. Verzekeren je dat je nu
goed zult slapen.
© 2019, Iduna Paalman
From: De grom uit de hond halen
Publisher: Uitgeverij Querido, Amsterdam
From: De grom uit de hond halen
Publisher: Uitgeverij Querido, Amsterdam
Poems of Iduna Paalman
In the survivors’ city everything is expressedschematically. How much violence was committed, which attempts
failed, this is noted on signs underneath the house numbers.
In the back of your book there’s a list with all the conclusions
ever drawn, only the foolish pupil fails to read it.
Number 1: remembering can be learned, a matter of both
obedience and agreeing about the course of events with repulsion.
In the city there’s a gigantic pond in which anyone can swim,
cups and aspirins are handed out at the fountain. Here what they
call ‘mitigating circumstances’ prevail. Someone gives a speech
about the patch on a monk’s knee, as big as this
– his breast pocket – the only thing left of him is
my heart. Commemorating can also be learned it says in your book,
a matter of paying respect to everything you’ve ever been taught.
In the city essays are created as though they were houses offering
protection from cold and repetition. You’re a good student if you
write down sources correctly, a collective memory is a gift you
a right to from the age of fifteen on. Applications are rarely
a matter of knowing who survived
being able to say: our past belongs to the winners. In the city there
are a lot of mattress shops, the survivors work there as advisors.
If you lie down they ask you to remain quiet at the right moments,
question the authorities at the right moments, and finally whether
you agree
with the course of events. If you don’t agree they lift you up by your
and shove another layer beneath you. Assure you that now you
really will
get a good night’s sleep.
From: De grom uit de hond halen
In the survivors’ city everything is expressedschematically. How much violence was committed, which attempts
failed, this is noted on signs underneath the house numbers.
In the back of your book there’s a list with all the conclusions
ever drawn, only the foolish pupil fails to read it.
Number 1: remembering can be learned, a matter of both
obedience and agreeing about the course of events with repulsion.
In the city there’s a gigantic pond in which anyone can swim,
cups and aspirins are handed out at the fountain. Here what they
call ‘mitigating circumstances’ prevail. Someone gives a speech
about the patch on a monk’s knee, as big as this
– his breast pocket – the only thing left of him is
my heart. Commemorating can also be learned it says in your book,
a matter of paying respect to everything you’ve ever been taught.
In the city essays are created as though they were houses offering
protection from cold and repetition. You’re a good student if you
write down sources correctly, a collective memory is a gift you
a right to from the age of fifteen on. Applications are rarely
a matter of knowing who survived
being able to say: our past belongs to the winners. In the city there
are a lot of mattress shops, the survivors work there as advisors.
If you lie down they ask you to remain quiet at the right moments,
question the authorities at the right moments, and finally whether
you agree
with the course of events. If you don’t agree they lift you up by your
and shove another layer beneath you. Assure you that now you
really will
get a good night’s sleep.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère