Florbela Espanca
High sea! Vanquished wavesBreaking with whispered, troubled sighs…
Immaculate, weightless flight of gulls,
Like snows appearing on the hilltops!
Sun! A bird falling, still flapping
Its wounded wings while gasping for breath…
To you, sweet tortured sunset, I lift
My hands in inward prayer, weeping!
O my charming verse of Samain,
Not yet daylight, already you’re moonlight,
Like a white lilac whose flowers wither!
Love! I carry your heart in my breast…
It pounds within me like this sea
In an endless, never withering kiss!...
© Translation: 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: Dedalus Press, Dublin, 2015
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: Dedalus Press, Dublin, 2015
Da minha janela
Da minha janela
Mar alto! Ondas quebradas e vencidasNum soluçar aflito e murmurado...
Vôo de gaivotas, leve, imaculado,
Como neves nos píncaros nascidas!
Sol! Ave a tombar, asas já feridas,
Batendo ainda num arfar pausado...
Ó meu doce poente torturado
Rezo-te em mim, chorando, mãos erguidas!
Meu verso de Samain cheio de graça,
’Inda não és clarão já és luar
Como branco lilás que se desfaça!
Amor! Teu coração trago-o no peito...
Pulsa dentro de mim como este mar
Num beijo eterno, assim, nunca desfeito!...
© 1923, Florbela Espanca
From: Livro de Soror Saudade
Publisher: Tipografia A Americana, Lisbon
From: Livro de Soror Saudade
Publisher: Tipografia A Americana, Lisbon
Poems of Florbela Espanca
High sea! Vanquished wavesBreaking with whispered, troubled sighs…
Immaculate, weightless flight of gulls,
Like snows appearing on the hilltops!
Sun! A bird falling, still flapping
Its wounded wings while gasping for breath…
To you, sweet tortured sunset, I lift
My hands in inward prayer, weeping!
O my charming verse of Samain,
Not yet daylight, already you’re moonlight,
Like a white lilac whose flowers wither!
Love! I carry your heart in my breast…
It pounds within me like this sea
In an endless, never withering kiss!...
© 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
High sea! Vanquished wavesBreaking with whispered, troubled sighs…
Immaculate, weightless flight of gulls,
Like snows appearing on the hilltops!
Sun! A bird falling, still flapping
Its wounded wings while gasping for breath…
To you, sweet tortured sunset, I lift
My hands in inward prayer, weeping!
O my charming verse of Samain,
Not yet daylight, already you’re moonlight,
Like a white lilac whose flowers wither!
Love! I carry your heart in my breast…
It pounds within me like this sea
In an endless, never withering kiss!...
© 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère