Florbela Espanca
I want to love, to be lost in love!To love just to love: Here... there...
This one, that one, another one,
Everyone! To love and not love anyone!
Remember? Forget? It’s all the same!...
Hold on or let go? Wrong? Or right?
Those who say they can love someone
Their whole life long are telling a lie!
There is in every life a Spring.
When it flowers, it must be sung.
The voice God gave us is for singing!
If I must come to ashes, dust,
Nothing, then let my night be a dawn
And let me be lost... to find myself...
© Translation: 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: Dedalus Press, Dublin, 2015
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: Dedalus Press, Dublin, 2015
Eu quero amar, amar perdidamente!Amar só por amar: Aqui... além...
Mais Este e Aquele, o Outro e toda a gente
Amar! Amar! E não amar ninguém!
Recordar? Esquecer? Indiferente!...
Prender ou desprender? É mal? É bem?
Quem disser que se pode amar alguém
Durante a vida inteira é porque mente!
Há uma Primavera em cada vida:
É preciso cantá-la assim florida,
Pois se Deus nos deu voz, foi pra cantar!
E se um dia hei-de ser pó, cinza e nada
Que seja a minha noite uma alvorada,
Que me saiba perder... pra me encontrar...
© 1931, Florbela Espanca
From: Charneca em flor
Publisher: Livraria Gonçalves , Coimbra
From: Charneca em flor
Publisher: Livraria Gonçalves , Coimbra
Poems of Florbela Espanca
I want to love, to be lost in love!To love just to love: Here... there...
This one, that one, another one,
Everyone! To love and not love anyone!
Remember? Forget? It’s all the same!...
Hold on or let go? Wrong? Or right?
Those who say they can love someone
Their whole life long are telling a lie!
There is in every life a Spring.
When it flowers, it must be sung.
The voice God gave us is for singing!
If I must come to ashes, dust,
Nothing, then let my night be a dawn
And let me be lost... to find myself...
© 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
I want to love, to be lost in love!To love just to love: Here... there...
This one, that one, another one,
Everyone! To love and not love anyone!
Remember? Forget? It’s all the same!...
Hold on or let go? Wrong? Or right?
Those who say they can love someone
Their whole life long are telling a lie!
There is in every life a Spring.
When it flowers, it must be sung.
The voice God gave us is for singing!
If I must come to ashes, dust,
Nothing, then let my night be a dawn
And let me be lost... to find myself...
© 2015, Richard Zenith
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin
From: 28 Portuguese Poets: a Bilingual Anthology
Publisher: 2015, Dedalus Press, Dublin

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère