Poetry International Poetry International

Adi Keissar


Everyone always speaks of the heart.
But what about the kidneys?
Don’t they know how to love?
And the liver?
Didn’t all the chocolate words
that were spoken to us melt in it?
And the fingernails,
don’t they bloom like flowers
when the blood says spring?
And don’t the bowels hold
all the words that were hurled at us
like heavy stones?
Don’t the lungs remember
the moment
they chose us
from all the people in the world?
And the navel, doesn’t it feel
how they cut the cord
and we were torn from the person
we once lived in
and lives inside us?
Everyone always speaks of the heart.



כָל הַזְמַן מְדַבְרִּים עַל הַלֵב.וּמה עִּם הַכְלָיוֹת?
הֵן לֹא יוֹדְעוֹת לֶאֱהֹב?
לֹא נָמַסוּ ב ו כָל מִּלוֹת הַשוֹקוֹלָד
שֶאָמְרוּ לָנוּ?
וְהַצִּפָרְנַיִּם, בְאֶצְבְעוֹת הַיָדַיִּם
לֹא צוֹמְחוֹת כְמ ו פְרָחִּים
כְשֶהַדָם אָמַר אָבִּיב?
וְהַקֵבָה לֹא מַחְזִּיקָה בְתוֹכָהּ
אֶת כָל הַמִּלִּים שֶזָרְקוּ עָלֵינוּ
כְמ ו אֲבָנִּים כְבֵדוֹת?
וְהָרֵאוֹת לֹא זוֹכְרוֹת
אֶת הָרֶגַע הַהוּא
שֶבָחֲרוּ בָנוּ
מִּכָל הָאֲנָשִּים בָעוֹלָם?
וְהַטַבוּר לֹא מַרְגִּיש
אֵיךְ נִּתְקוּ אֶת הַחֶבֶל
וְנִּשְ מ טנוּ מֵהָאָדָם
שֶפַעַם חָיִּינוּ בְתוֹכ ו
וְהוּא חַי בָנוּ?

כָל הַזְמַן מְדַבְרִּים עַל הַלֵב.



Everyone always speaks of the heart.
But what about the kidneys?
Don’t they know how to love?
And the liver?
Didn’t all the chocolate words
that were spoken to us melt in it?
And the fingernails,
don’t they bloom like flowers
when the blood says spring?
And don’t the bowels hold
all the words that were hurled at us
like heavy stones?
Don’t the lungs remember
the moment
they chose us
from all the people in the world?
And the navel, doesn’t it feel
how they cut the cord
and we were torn from the person
we once lived in
and lives inside us?
Everyone always speaks of the heart.


Everyone always speaks of the heart.
But what about the kidneys?
Don’t they know how to love?
And the liver?
Didn’t all the chocolate words
that were spoken to us melt in it?
And the fingernails,
don’t they bloom like flowers
when the blood says spring?
And don’t the bowels hold
all the words that were hurled at us
like heavy stones?
Don’t the lungs remember
the moment
they chose us
from all the people in the world?
And the navel, doesn’t it feel
how they cut the cord
and we were torn from the person
we once lived in
and lives inside us?
Everyone always speaks of the heart.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère