Poetry International Poetry International

Yumi Fuzuki

The Sliced Eyelid

Suppose I turned into a blue June freezer
bandage plastered over the split in my eyelid.
It lulls me immediately to sleep.
The stuff welling out of the wound,
So hot, so transparent.
Letting a fingertip swim until it hits window frame.
Longing to touch like delivering a kiss.
The finger marks everything it reaches
with warm fingerprints.

In order to enclose the tree called You
I’m raising a forest on the inside of the eyelid.
Your unbending limbs, press against my exposed flesh.
Red-swollen toes, hidden in shadows of tree roots.
Tears would dull the pain,
so I bite my lip to keep from crying.

It stops time for the two of us, in exchange,
I close the slit in my eyelid.
It’s not that I killed it.
I just put it to sleep.
Let me hear your voice.
I let my finger creep between the branches, intent on feeling.

The dead of night, feeling its way blindly to alight on the veranda,
the scent of rain lightly strokes my cheek.
I step out from under the eaves, allowing my shoulders get wet.
The bandage gradually comes unstuck from my eyelid.
Can I possibly swim through
the landscape my wound reveals?

I pry the blue June door open,
wanting to pull out one by one the things I had frozen
and get them thawing.
The raindrops pelting my eyelids are painfully sweet.
I can cry now without being caught,  
The secret will be safe.
On my pounding chest I place my fist,
And let my white breath flutter.







ばれはしないのだ と

The Sliced Eyelid

Suppose I turned into a blue June freezer
bandage plastered over the split in my eyelid.
It lulls me immediately to sleep.
The stuff welling out of the wound,
So hot, so transparent.
Letting a fingertip swim until it hits window frame.
Longing to touch like delivering a kiss.
The finger marks everything it reaches
with warm fingerprints.

In order to enclose the tree called You
I’m raising a forest on the inside of the eyelid.
Your unbending limbs, press against my exposed flesh.
Red-swollen toes, hidden in shadows of tree roots.
Tears would dull the pain,
so I bite my lip to keep from crying.

It stops time for the two of us, in exchange,
I close the slit in my eyelid.
It’s not that I killed it.
I just put it to sleep.
Let me hear your voice.
I let my finger creep between the branches, intent on feeling.

The dead of night, feeling its way blindly to alight on the veranda,
the scent of rain lightly strokes my cheek.
I step out from under the eaves, allowing my shoulders get wet.
The bandage gradually comes unstuck from my eyelid.
Can I possibly swim through
the landscape my wound reveals?

I pry the blue June door open,
wanting to pull out one by one the things I had frozen
and get them thawing.
The raindrops pelting my eyelids are painfully sweet.
I can cry now without being caught,  
The secret will be safe.
On my pounding chest I place my fist,
And let my white breath flutter.

The Sliced Eyelid

Suppose I turned into a blue June freezer
bandage plastered over the split in my eyelid.
It lulls me immediately to sleep.
The stuff welling out of the wound,
So hot, so transparent.
Letting a fingertip swim until it hits window frame.
Longing to touch like delivering a kiss.
The finger marks everything it reaches
with warm fingerprints.

In order to enclose the tree called You
I’m raising a forest on the inside of the eyelid.
Your unbending limbs, press against my exposed flesh.
Red-swollen toes, hidden in shadows of tree roots.
Tears would dull the pain,
so I bite my lip to keep from crying.

It stops time for the two of us, in exchange,
I close the slit in my eyelid.
It’s not that I killed it.
I just put it to sleep.
Let me hear your voice.
I let my finger creep between the branches, intent on feeling.

The dead of night, feeling its way blindly to alight on the veranda,
the scent of rain lightly strokes my cheek.
I step out from under the eaves, allowing my shoulders get wet.
The bandage gradually comes unstuck from my eyelid.
Can I possibly swim through
the landscape my wound reveals?

I pry the blue June door open,
wanting to pull out one by one the things I had frozen
and get them thawing.
The raindrops pelting my eyelids are painfully sweet.
I can cry now without being caught,  
The secret will be safe.
On my pounding chest I place my fist,
And let my white breath flutter.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère