Enis Batur
The country's on fire. I spent my life amongthose never-ending flames. My soul is branded,
my mind's wreathed in smoke. I tried turning
away, to no avail: no matter where I go,
I can't escape the stink of soot in my nostrils.
If only I knew the reason why: I sought,
but couldn't find it. The haze has stunted
the saplings I planted, my water-barrel's
gone up in steam, each year the soil I till
grows more weary, I'm a man, yes, but yet
I brought forth a child, Icarus, regret's killing
me. I was young, better times would come, I
made myself believe. Right would wear the crown;
instead, the wrong grew red-hot. The causes
would one by one come to light; instead, the effects
stole the show. At first I blazed a trail across
the void before me: patiently, stubbornly,
year after year I picked my way through the flames –
exhausted now, and terrified more than ever,
I sink sluggishly down and down
into my own pit.
Will the day ever come
when this forest of flames will burn itself out?I don't know. I know that I won't see it.
With a wild bird's sharp glance I rake the world
from the window of my attic retreat: macabre,
nothing but the macabre – as in that canvas
hanging on a wall of the Prado, belching forth
the same savage pain that weighs on us. In
one figure's features there's my own hapless face.
How is it we deserve an inferno like this?
What monstrous sins, what irretrievable crimes
have brought us here, on the opposite pan
of that merciless scale? Were this a nightmare
I'd be startled awake, my sweat drying. Were
it hallucination, or delirium tremens,
I'd endure the thirst. But it's none of these,
none: the mirror before me is spitting
raw, rude reality back at me: in a widening lake
of crimson and brown, we're sinking to the bottom.
Memleket yanıyor. Ömrüm sönmek bilmeyenyangınların ortasında geçti. Ruhum kavruk,
zihnim kesintisiz tütüyor, sırtını dönmek,
denedim, faydasız: Genzimi kaplayan köz
kokusundan nereye gitsem kurtulamam artık.
Ne uğruna anlasaydım, baktım ve göremedim.
Diktiğim ağaçlara boy atarken duman bindi,
topladığım yağmur suları buhar, ekip biçtiğim
toprak her yıl daha kıraç, ben ki er kişiyim
çocuk doğurdum. İkaros, çoktan ölesiye pişmanım.
Başka zamanlar gelecek diye, gençtim, kendimi
inandırdım. Doğrular tava gelecekti, yanlışlar
kor kesildi yerine. Sebepler kırılacaktı bir bir,
sonuçlar hüküm sürdü. Başta, bir yol açmıştım
önümdeki boşlukta, yıldan yıla sabır ve inatla
ilerledim alevlerin arasından-şimdi yılgın,
hiç olmadığım kadar ürkek, yavaş yavaş kendi
dibime doğru batıyorum.
Gün gelir biter mi bu ağır yangın bilemem,
bildiğim yangının söndüğünü göremeyeceğim.
Sığındığım çatı katı odasının penceresinden,
tıpkı keskin bakışlı bir yabanıl kuş, etrafı
süzüyorum: Her şey Prado’nun bir duvarından
içinden geçtiğimiz ölesiye acı durumu
üstümüze püskürten tablodaki kadar tekinsiz,
biçâre yüzümü seçiyorum şaşkın figürlerden
birinin hatlarında. Bu cehennemi neden
haketmiş olabiliriz? Hangi büyük günahlar,
hangi bedeli ödenmez suçlar toplanmış bizi
tartan zalim terazinin karşı kefesinde?
Bir karabasan olsa, uyanıp sırılsıklam,
terimi kurutacağım. Bir tür sanrıysa bu,
delirium tremens, susuzluğa katlanacağım.
Değil biri, hiçbiri, düz kaba gerçekleri kusuyor
önümdeki ayna: Gitgide yayılan kızıl kahve
bir gölün dibine doğru batıyoruz.
Poems of Enis Batur
The country's on fire. I spent my life amongthose never-ending flames. My soul is branded,
my mind's wreathed in smoke. I tried turning
away, to no avail: no matter where I go,
I can't escape the stink of soot in my nostrils.
If only I knew the reason why: I sought,
but couldn't find it. The haze has stunted
the saplings I planted, my water-barrel's
gone up in steam, each year the soil I till
grows more weary, I'm a man, yes, but yet
I brought forth a child, Icarus, regret's killing
me. I was young, better times would come, I
made myself believe. Right would wear the crown;
instead, the wrong grew red-hot. The causes
would one by one come to light; instead, the effects
stole the show. At first I blazed a trail across
the void before me: patiently, stubbornly,
year after year I picked my way through the flames –
exhausted now, and terrified more than ever,
I sink sluggishly down and down
into my own pit.
Will the day ever come
when this forest of flames will burn itself out?I don't know. I know that I won't see it.
With a wild bird's sharp glance I rake the world
from the window of my attic retreat: macabre,
nothing but the macabre – as in that canvas
hanging on a wall of the Prado, belching forth
the same savage pain that weighs on us. In
one figure's features there's my own hapless face.
How is it we deserve an inferno like this?
What monstrous sins, what irretrievable crimes
have brought us here, on the opposite pan
of that merciless scale? Were this a nightmare
I'd be startled awake, my sweat drying. Were
it hallucination, or delirium tremens,
I'd endure the thirst. But it's none of these,
none: the mirror before me is spitting
raw, rude reality back at me: in a widening lake
of crimson and brown, we're sinking to the bottom.
The country's on fire. I spent my life amongthose never-ending flames. My soul is branded,
my mind's wreathed in smoke. I tried turning
away, to no avail: no matter where I go,
I can't escape the stink of soot in my nostrils.
If only I knew the reason why: I sought,
but couldn't find it. The haze has stunted
the saplings I planted, my water-barrel's
gone up in steam, each year the soil I till
grows more weary, I'm a man, yes, but yet
I brought forth a child, Icarus, regret's killing
me. I was young, better times would come, I
made myself believe. Right would wear the crown;
instead, the wrong grew red-hot. The causes
would one by one come to light; instead, the effects
stole the show. At first I blazed a trail across
the void before me: patiently, stubbornly,
year after year I picked my way through the flames –
exhausted now, and terrified more than ever,
I sink sluggishly down and down
into my own pit.
Will the day ever come
when this forest of flames will burn itself out?I don't know. I know that I won't see it.
With a wild bird's sharp glance I rake the world
from the window of my attic retreat: macabre,
nothing but the macabre – as in that canvas
hanging on a wall of the Prado, belching forth
the same savage pain that weighs on us. In
one figure's features there's my own hapless face.
How is it we deserve an inferno like this?
What monstrous sins, what irretrievable crimes
have brought us here, on the opposite pan
of that merciless scale? Were this a nightmare
I'd be startled awake, my sweat drying. Were
it hallucination, or delirium tremens,
I'd endure the thirst. But it's none of these,
none: the mirror before me is spitting
raw, rude reality back at me: in a widening lake
of crimson and brown, we're sinking to the bottom.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère