Delphine Lecompte
This is a kind of love poem, this is AustriaWe’re at ski school, I’m almost twelve years old
The ski instructor is fully moustachioed and practically barbarian
He takes me to see deer at five in the morning
I mustn’t coo, I mustn’t be impressed by their antlers
I am impressed by his member
This is different from yesterday; when he poked
My back on the sledge, when he whispered in my ear:
‘Tomorrow, I’ll show you deer, and after the deer I’ll destroy you
In a good way...’ It sounded cryptic and blissful.
It is blissful and dirty, I’m still impressed by his penis
Which sometimes resembles a secretary bird and at others a skunk
I close my eyes and think of the foreword to my planet encyclopaedia
Someone put a lot of work into that foreword
Perhaps it was my stepfather, he’s probably busy being inquisitive somewhere in Canada now.
There, too, there is snow under the sky, there, too, eleven-year-olds are being poked
But my stepfather doesn’t join the poking, oh no
He was never perverse, never greedy, never absent-minded
My mother discarded him because he didn’t buy enough mice for her
And too many toilet bags for me.
I open my eyes and hate neither sledge nor moustache
We scramble up again; up on the sledge, it is wet
There’s no hardness to nestle against now
The hardness won’t come back
The next morning, I visit the deer on my own
I am relieved to find I can still be impressed.
Zijn hardheid in mijn rug op de slede is de hemel
Zijn hardheid in mijn rug op de slede is de hemel
Dit is een soort liefdesgedicht, dit is OostenrijkWe zijn op sneeuwklas, ik ben bijna twaalf jaar
De instructeur is volledig besnord en bijna barbaars
Hij toont mij herten om vijf uur ’s ochtends
Ik mag niet kirren, ik mag niet onder de indruk zijn van hun geweien.
Ik ben onder de indruk van zijn geslacht
Dit is anders dan gisteren; toen hij mij pookte
In mijn rug op de slede, toen hij fluisterde in mijn oor:
‘Morgen zal ik je herten tonen, en na de herten zal ik je kapotmaken
Op een goede manier…’ Het klonk toen cryptisch en zalig.
Het is zalig en smerig, ik blijf onder de indruk van zijn penis
Die nu eens op een secretarisvogel dan weer op een stinkdier gelijkt
Ik sluit mijn ogen en denk aan het voorwoord van mijn planetenencyclopedie
Iemand heeft hard gewerkt aan dat voorwoord
Misschien was het mijn stiefvader, waarschijnlijk is hij nu leergierig ergens in Canada.
Ook daar ligt sneeuw onder de hemel, ook daar worden elfjarigen gepookt
Maar mijn stiefvader pookt niet mee, o nee
Hij was nooit pervers, nooit gulzig, nooit verstrooid
Mijn moeder heeft hem weggegooid omdat hij te weinig muizen voor haar kocht
En te veel toilettassen voor mij
Ik open mijn ogen en haat noch de snor noch de slede
We kruipen er weer op; op de slede, hij is nat
Er is geen hardheid om mij tegen te nestelen
De hardheid zal niet meer terugkeren
De volgende ochtend bezoek ik de herten alleen
Ik ben opgelucht dat ik nog onder de indruk kan zijn.
From: Dichter, bokser, koningsdochter
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam | Antwerpen
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam | Antwerpen
Poems of Delphine Lecompte
This is a kind of love poem, this is AustriaWe’re at ski school, I’m almost twelve years old
The ski instructor is fully moustachioed and practically barbarian
He takes me to see deer at five in the morning
I mustn’t coo, I mustn’t be impressed by their antlers
I am impressed by his member
This is different from yesterday; when he poked
My back on the sledge, when he whispered in my ear:
‘Tomorrow, I’ll show you deer, and after the deer I’ll destroy you
In a good way...’ It sounded cryptic and blissful.
It is blissful and dirty, I’m still impressed by his penis
Which sometimes resembles a secretary bird and at others a skunk
I close my eyes and think of the foreword to my planet encyclopaedia
Someone put a lot of work into that foreword
Perhaps it was my stepfather, he’s probably busy being inquisitive somewhere in Canada now.
There, too, there is snow under the sky, there, too, eleven-year-olds are being poked
But my stepfather doesn’t join the poking, oh no
He was never perverse, never greedy, never absent-minded
My mother discarded him because he didn’t buy enough mice for her
And too many toilet bags for me.
I open my eyes and hate neither sledge nor moustache
We scramble up again; up on the sledge, it is wet
There’s no hardness to nestle against now
The hardness won’t come back
The next morning, I visit the deer on my own
I am relieved to find I can still be impressed.
From: Dichter, bokser, koningsdochter
This is a kind of love poem, this is AustriaWe’re at ski school, I’m almost twelve years old
The ski instructor is fully moustachioed and practically barbarian
He takes me to see deer at five in the morning
I mustn’t coo, I mustn’t be impressed by their antlers
I am impressed by his member
This is different from yesterday; when he poked
My back on the sledge, when he whispered in my ear:
‘Tomorrow, I’ll show you deer, and after the deer I’ll destroy you
In a good way...’ It sounded cryptic and blissful.
It is blissful and dirty, I’m still impressed by his penis
Which sometimes resembles a secretary bird and at others a skunk
I close my eyes and think of the foreword to my planet encyclopaedia
Someone put a lot of work into that foreword
Perhaps it was my stepfather, he’s probably busy being inquisitive somewhere in Canada now.
There, too, there is snow under the sky, there, too, eleven-year-olds are being poked
But my stepfather doesn’t join the poking, oh no
He was never perverse, never greedy, never absent-minded
My mother discarded him because he didn’t buy enough mice for her
And too many toilet bags for me.
I open my eyes and hate neither sledge nor moustache
We scramble up again; up on the sledge, it is wet
There’s no hardness to nestle against now
The hardness won’t come back
The next morning, I visit the deer on my own
I am relieved to find I can still be impressed.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère