Delphine Lecompte
He thinks I’m bluffingwhen I say I’ve got pyromania and fourteen short stories in me
he shudders involuntarily and changes the subject
I don’t like his subjects (infidelity and heraldry)
but I’m addicted to the breeziness he bears in the mornings.
This afternoon we had a few difficult hours
two stuffed hares are playing cards
the hare with the best cards looks defeated
now he snatches the cards out of their paws and
throws the hares out of the window
the one with the poor hand lands on a tourist
he curses my beloved in Scottish and sneezes
I say: the curse doesn’t count because he sneezed
the hare with the aces hits a skinny, furtive-looking woman
he says: she looks like you, maybe we should call her inside
but we don’t know what she’s called.
It’s up to the stars tonight
I join them up slowly and they represent a dog
biting the paint off a table leg and later dying of lead poisoning
you join them up quickly and keep the meaning to yourself.
© Translation: 2012, Rosalind Buck
Hij denkt dat ik blufwanneer ik zeg dat ik pyromanie en veertien kortverhalen in mij draag
hij rilt ongewild en verandert van onderwerp
ik hou niet van zijn onderwerpen (overspel en heraldiek)
maar ik ben verslaafd aan de luchtigheid die hij ’s ochtends draagt.
’s Middags hebben we het enkele uren moeilijk
twee opgezette hazen spelen een kaartspel
de haas met de beste kaarten kijkt verslagen
nu ruk je de kaarten uit hun poten en
gooit de hazen uit het raam
die met de slechte kaarten landt op een toerist
hij vervloekt mijn geliefde in het Schots en niest
ik zeg: de vloek is ongeldig omdat hij heeft geniest
de haas met de azen wordt opgevangen door een magere vrouw die er achterbaks uitziet
hij zegt: ze lijkt op jou, misschien moeten we haar binnenroepen
maar we kennen haar roepnaam niet.
De sterren hebben het vanavond voor het zeggen
ik verbind ze traag en ze stellen een hond voor die
de verf van een tafelpoot afbijt en even later bezwijkt aan een loodvergiftiging
jij verbindt ze snel en houdt de betekenis voor jezelf.
© 2012, Delphine Lecompte
From: Blinde gedichten
Publisher: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, Antwerpen
From: Blinde gedichten
Publisher: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Poems of Delphine Lecompte
He thinks I’m bluffingwhen I say I’ve got pyromania and fourteen short stories in me
he shudders involuntarily and changes the subject
I don’t like his subjects (infidelity and heraldry)
but I’m addicted to the breeziness he bears in the mornings.
This afternoon we had a few difficult hours
two stuffed hares are playing cards
the hare with the best cards looks defeated
now he snatches the cards out of their paws and
throws the hares out of the window
the one with the poor hand lands on a tourist
he curses my beloved in Scottish and sneezes
I say: the curse doesn’t count because he sneezed
the hare with the aces hits a skinny, furtive-looking woman
he says: she looks like you, maybe we should call her inside
but we don’t know what she’s called.
It’s up to the stars tonight
I join them up slowly and they represent a dog
biting the paint off a table leg and later dying of lead poisoning
you join them up quickly and keep the meaning to yourself.
© 2012, Rosalind Buck
From: Blinde gedichten
From: Blinde gedichten
He thinks I’m bluffingwhen I say I’ve got pyromania and fourteen short stories in me
he shudders involuntarily and changes the subject
I don’t like his subjects (infidelity and heraldry)
but I’m addicted to the breeziness he bears in the mornings.
This afternoon we had a few difficult hours
two stuffed hares are playing cards
the hare with the best cards looks defeated
now he snatches the cards out of their paws and
throws the hares out of the window
the one with the poor hand lands on a tourist
he curses my beloved in Scottish and sneezes
I say: the curse doesn’t count because he sneezed
the hare with the aces hits a skinny, furtive-looking woman
he says: she looks like you, maybe we should call her inside
but we don’t know what she’s called.
It’s up to the stars tonight
I join them up slowly and they represent a dog
biting the paint off a table leg and later dying of lead poisoning
you join them up quickly and keep the meaning to yourself.
© 2012, Rosalind Buck

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère