Anneke Brassinga
If with shawms, gullet-pipe and loud warblingthe struck-up tuneful tumult praising our
anguished existence gets lost in the foulness,
fullness of the street – if among dust and stench
from throat and tooting brass tenuous songs well up,
sweet-scented sound-froth fanciedly inspired by
the milky-way fanfare that bursts out in worlds of
a more ethereal nature, then there is still something
by which we are clean lovely beasts.
Als met schalmeien, gorgelpijp en orgelendhet aangeheven schoonlawaai bezingend ons
gekweld bestaan, teloorgaat in de vuilte,
volte van de straat – als tussen stof en stank
uit strot en galmbuis wellen ijle liederen,
welriekend klankenschuim bezield gewaand met
de melkwegfanfare die uitbarst in werelden
van etherischer aard; dan is er nog íets
waarin wij schone beesten zijn.
© 2005, Anneke Brassinga
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Wachtwoorden
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Anneke Brassinga
If with shawms, gullet-pipe and loud warblingthe struck-up tuneful tumult praising our
anguished existence gets lost in the foulness,
fullness of the street – if among dust and stench
from throat and tooting brass tenuous songs well up,
sweet-scented sound-froth fanciedly inspired by
the milky-way fanfare that bursts out in worlds of
a more ethereal nature, then there is still something
by which we are clean lovely beasts.
From: Wachtwoorden
If with shawms, gullet-pipe and loud warblingthe struck-up tuneful tumult praising our
anguished existence gets lost in the foulness,
fullness of the street – if among dust and stench
from throat and tooting brass tenuous songs well up,
sweet-scented sound-froth fanciedly inspired by
the milky-way fanfare that bursts out in worlds of
a more ethereal nature, then there is still something
by which we are clean lovely beasts.
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère