Sergio Raimondi
Even if one has to discount structural problems
capable of splitting the hull into two loving halves
from which flow cleanly diesel and fuel-oil
into the rather less limpid waters of wherever
without forgetting either that cereal tends to settle
in each of the holds once the crossing has started
and without any control can slip from side to
side until it turns the whole thing unstable
problems because of which the engineers analysed
the combination of corrosion, metal fatigue
in high tensile steel and also in a crew on board
confused by ten languages and rather less steely
there’s no doubt that it represents a step forward
in mastery of the power of the natural world:
beyond the little medal on the oiler’s chest,
these are less mysterious or uncharted oceans.
The ever-growing size of the craft’s length shows
the increase in the load and of global commerce,
plotted along the planet’s routes now no longer
guided by low frequency radio waves:
they’re the energetic shifts of supply and demand
that are impossible to register on a tidal chart
and organize in minutes the next journey
unknown until that moment by the supposed captain
who busies himself for now checking the cargo
the hatches open all over the single deck
and the telescopic – and final – tube through which fall
tons, counted by the hour, of wheat, soy or maize.
Taking care not to breathe in too much dust
that’s where one has to get close to verify
attention fixed on the continued flow of the load
the basic motivation of the design: concentration.
Ook al kennen ze problemen van structurele aard
die hun rompen in verliefde helften kunnen breken
waaruit je reinste diesel en stookolie vloeien
in de iets minder reine wateren van waar dan ook
en zonder te vergeten dat het graan zich gewoonlijk
in elk van de ruimen voegt wanneer de overtocht begint
en door niets tegengehouden zo heen en weer kan gaan
schuiven dat het de stabiliteit in gevaar brengt
problemen die ingenieurs al aanzetten tot onderzoek
naar de combinatie van corrosie, vermoeiing
van slijtvast staal en ook van een meertalig
verwarde bemanning met verminderde weerstand
betekenen ze toch zeker een nieuwe stap voorwaarts
in de onderwerping van de natuur aan de mens:
buiten de penning op de borst van de olieman,
zijn dit minder mysterieuze en onpeilbare oceanen.
De steeds langer wordende schepen getuigen van
de groei van vracht en wereldhandel, routes langs
vaarwegen over de aardbol die niet meer worden
uitgestippeld met laagfrequente radiosignalen:
nu zijn het de energieke fluctuaties in vraag en aanbod
die zich door geen getijmeter laten registeren
en in enkele minuten de volgende route bepalen
die tot dan toe onbekend is bij de zogenaamde
kapitein die voorlopig de lading nog controleert
open luiken over de lengte van het enige dek
en de uitschuifbare en laatste buis waardoor,
in tonnen per uur, graan, soja of maïs stroomt.
Wees voorzichtig dat je niet te veel stof binnenkrijgt
maar ga daar in de buurt staan en aanschouw zelf
blik strak op de onophoudelijke straal stortgoed
de grondgedachte van dit ontwerp: concentratie.
Si bien hay que descontar problemas estructurales
capaces de partir el casco en dos amorosas mitades
de las que fluyen límpidamente diesel y fuel-oil
en las aguas un poco menos límpidas de donde sea
sin olvidar tampoco que el cereal suele asentarse
en cada una de las bodegas iniciada la travesía
y dispensado de sujeción puede de un lado al otro
desplazarse hasta poner término a la estabilidad
problemas por los cuales los ingenieros ya analizan
la combinación entre corrosión, fatiga del acero
de alta resistencia e inclusive la de una tripulación
turbada entre diez lenguas y de resistencia menor
no hay duda que constituyen un nuevo adelanto
en el dominio de la potencia del orbe natural:
más allá de la medallita en el pecho del engrasador,
estos son océanos menos mistéricos e insondables.
El alargamiento creciente de la eslora evidencia
el aumento de la carga y del comercio mundial,
trayectos por las rutas del planeta ya no más
pautados por señales radiales de baja frecuencia:
son desplazamientos enérgicos de oferta y demanda
imposibles de ser registrados con el mareógrafo
los que organizarán en minutos el próximo trayecto
ignorado hasta el momento por el supuesto capitán
quien se dedica por lo pronto a controlar la carga
abiertas las escotillas a lo largo de la única cubierta
y el tubo telescópico y final por el que descienden
toneladas contadas por hora de trigo, soja o maíz.
Con la precaución de no inhalar polvillo en exceso
es ahí donde hay que aproximarse para verificar
fija la atención en el chorro continuo del granel
la motivación básica del diseño: la concentración.
From: Für ein kommentiertes Wörterbuch / Para un diccionario crítico de la lengua
Publisher: Berenberg, Berlin
Even if one has to discount structural problems
capable of splitting the hull into two loving halves
from which flow cleanly diesel and fuel-oil
into the rather less limpid waters of wherever
without forgetting either that cereal tends to settle
in each of the holds once the crossing has started
and without any control can slip from side to
side until it turns the whole thing unstable
problems because of which the engineers analysed
the combination of corrosion, metal fatigue
in high tensile steel and also in a crew on board
confused by ten languages and rather less steely
there’s no doubt that it represents a step forward
in mastery of the power of the natural world:
beyond the little medal on the oiler’s chest,
these are less mysterious or uncharted oceans.
The ever-growing size of the craft’s length shows
the increase in the load and of global commerce,
plotted along the planet’s routes now no longer
guided by low frequency radio waves:
they’re the energetic shifts of supply and demand
that are impossible to register on a tidal chart
and organize in minutes the next journey
unknown until that moment by the supposed captain
who busies himself for now checking the cargo
the hatches open all over the single deck
and the telescopic – and final – tube through which fall
tons, counted by the hour, of wheat, soy or maize.
Taking care not to breathe in too much dust
that’s where one has to get close to verify
attention fixed on the continued flow of the load
the basic motivation of the design: concentration.
From: Für ein kommentiertes Wörterbuch / Para un diccionario crítico de la lengua
Even if one has to discount structural problems
capable of splitting the hull into two loving halves
from which flow cleanly diesel and fuel-oil
into the rather less limpid waters of wherever
without forgetting either that cereal tends to settle
in each of the holds once the crossing has started
and without any control can slip from side to
side until it turns the whole thing unstable
problems because of which the engineers analysed
the combination of corrosion, metal fatigue
in high tensile steel and also in a crew on board
confused by ten languages and rather less steely
there’s no doubt that it represents a step forward
in mastery of the power of the natural world:
beyond the little medal on the oiler’s chest,
these are less mysterious or uncharted oceans.
The ever-growing size of the craft’s length shows
the increase in the load and of global commerce,
plotted along the planet’s routes now no longer
guided by low frequency radio waves:
they’re the energetic shifts of supply and demand
that are impossible to register on a tidal chart
and organize in minutes the next journey
unknown until that moment by the supposed captain
who busies himself for now checking the cargo
the hatches open all over the single deck
and the telescopic – and final – tube through which fall
tons, counted by the hour, of wheat, soy or maize.
Taking care not to breathe in too much dust
that’s where one has to get close to verify
attention fixed on the continued flow of the load
the basic motivation of the design: concentration.