Claudiu Komartin
Domestic circus
I write only at night due to a painful disorderurged on by a premonition of disaster
my voice soft as a millstone
grinding words in vain
before they can ever reach my hand
now that the paper has shrunk before my eyes
I’m writing in small letters disregarding punctuation
disregarding my body and the say filling up my larynx
I lie in wait
my life is pointless
if anything eludes my scrutiny
my father was an officer
even now his militant shadow terrifies me
crawling along the walls at daybreak
he’s almost an old man now
he’s still in good shape
he hardly ever scolds me these days
for being clumsy and undisciplined
it drove him nuts
that I didn’t produce
that I poured my soul
into matters beyond his comprehension
I write only at night and this emboldens me
my cheeks searing
as if I’m lying in the snow
in Constitution Square
and watching Parliament burn.
Circul domestic
Circul domestic
Scriu noaptea într-o dureroasă dezordinepresimţirea unui dezastru mă îndeamnă să nu mă opresc
vocea mea tandră ca o piatră de moară
macină-n gol cuvinte
mereu înaintea mâinii
acum că hârtia s-a împuţinat văzând cu ochii
mâna mea scrie mic şi fără vreun semn de punctuaţie
independent de trup sau de nisipul aşternut pe laringe
stau la pândă
viaţa mea nu are sens
dacă ceva scapă privirii mele puternice
tatăl meu a fost ofiţer
şi astăzi mă îngrozeşte către dimineaţă
umbra lui milităroasă profilată de-a lungul peretelui
acum tatăl meu e aproape un om bătrân
se ţine încă bine
îmi reproşează mai rar decât altădată
că sunt neîndemânatic
şi indisciplinat
îl scotea din minţi că nu produc mai nimic
şi că pun suflet pentru lucruri pe care nu le-nţelege
scriu noaptea şi asta îmi dă curaj
obrajii îmi dogoresc
de parcă aş sta lungit pe zăpadă
în piaţa constituţiei
şi aş privi casa poporului arzând.
From: Circul domestic
Publisher: Cartea Românească, București
Publisher: Cartea Românească, București
Poems of Claudiu Komartin
Domestic circus
I write only at night due to a painful disorderurged on by a premonition of disaster
my voice soft as a millstone
grinding words in vain
before they can ever reach my hand
now that the paper has shrunk before my eyes
I’m writing in small letters disregarding punctuation
disregarding my body and the say filling up my larynx
I lie in wait
my life is pointless
if anything eludes my scrutiny
my father was an officer
even now his militant shadow terrifies me
crawling along the walls at daybreak
he’s almost an old man now
he’s still in good shape
he hardly ever scolds me these days
for being clumsy and undisciplined
it drove him nuts
that I didn’t produce
that I poured my soul
into matters beyond his comprehension
I write only at night and this emboldens me
my cheeks searing
as if I’m lying in the snow
in Constitution Square
and watching Parliament burn.
From: Circul domestic
Domestic circus
I write only at night due to a painful disorderurged on by a premonition of disaster
my voice soft as a millstone
grinding words in vain
before they can ever reach my hand
now that the paper has shrunk before my eyes
I’m writing in small letters disregarding punctuation
disregarding my body and the say filling up my larynx
I lie in wait
my life is pointless
if anything eludes my scrutiny
my father was an officer
even now his militant shadow terrifies me
crawling along the walls at daybreak
he’s almost an old man now
he’s still in good shape
he hardly ever scolds me these days
for being clumsy and undisciplined
it drove him nuts
that I didn’t produce
that I poured my soul
into matters beyond his comprehension
I write only at night and this emboldens me
my cheeks searing
as if I’m lying in the snow
in Constitution Square
and watching Parliament burn.
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère