Umberto Fiori
If at the corner an old lady– or, say, a policeman –
face sculpted by the light
of a beautiful day,
and speaks to me,
just to me, here,
about how there’s no respect,
or how hot it is,
I feel weak, like a saint
brushed by eternity.
I feel plants grow, I feel the earth turn.
Everything seems clear and strong to me,
everything has yet to happen.
From: Terminus
Publisher: Poetry Ireland, Dublin, 1998
Publisher: Poetry Ireland, Dublin, 1998
Als op de hoek van de straat een mevrouw– of misschien zelfs een wijkagent –
zich omdraait,
het gezicht gegroefd door het licht
van de mooie dag,
en praat – uitgerekend tegen mij,
tegen mij, hier – over het gebrek aan respect
of over het warme weer,
voel ik me zwak op de benen, als een heilige
in aanraking met de eeuwigheid.
Ik voel de planten groeien, ik voel de aarde
draaien. Alles lijkt me sterk en helder, alles
moet nog gebeuren.
© Vertaling: 2000, Ike Cialona
Se all’angolo una signora– o magari un vigile –
si volta
con la faccia scavata dalla luce
della bella giornata
e parla – proprio a me,
a me, qui – del rispetto che si è perso
o del caldo che fa,
io mi sento mancare, come un santo
quando lo sfiora l’eternità.
Sento le piante crescere, sento la terra
girare. Tutto mi sembra forte e chiaro, tutto
deve ancora succedere.
Poems of Umberto Fiori
If at the corner an old lady– or, say, a policeman –
face sculpted by the light
of a beautiful day,
and speaks to me,
just to me, here,
about how there’s no respect,
or how hot it is,
I feel weak, like a saint
brushed by eternity.
I feel plants grow, I feel the earth turn.
Everything seems clear and strong to me,
everything has yet to happen.
From: Terminus
Publisher: 1998, Poetry Ireland, Dublin
Publisher: 1998, Poetry Ireland, Dublin
If at the corner an old lady– or, say, a policeman –
face sculpted by the light
of a beautiful day,
and speaks to me,
just to me, here,
about how there’s no respect,
or how hot it is,
I feel weak, like a saint
brushed by eternity.
I feel plants grow, I feel the earth turn.
Everything seems clear and strong to me,
everything has yet to happen.
From: Terminus
Publisher: 1998, Poetry Ireland, Dublin
Publisher: 1998, Poetry Ireland, Dublin

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère