Guo Jinniu
Take Bus 662 662 times.Bus 662 is neither the starting point nor the terminus.
It passes Luozu Industrial Zone, Shiyan Town, and the golf course,
just like I went through elementary school, high school and college.
Luozu Industrial Zone is hiring.
On the platform, a teenager away from home
was knocked down by Bus 662, a plastic bucket sent flying too,
the sky suddenly turned dark. Gold, scattered all around, no one came to gather it.
Big Bus 662 was not injured.
Big Bus 662 was not bagging rice.
Big Bus 662 was not carrying millet.
Big Bus 662 tossed out a dozen people, drove off.
Like a wounded pauper, I just came to, it’s really infuriating.
I’m not sure if the moon
Is casting a layer of frost on a long illness.
Or if it’s rubbing a handful of salt in the wound.
BUS 662
662 keer bus 662 nemen.Bus 662 is niet het beginpunt noch het eindpunt.
Hij gaat door het industrieterrein Luozu, door het stadje Shiyan en het golfterrein,
precies zoals ik lagere school, middelbare school en universiteit heb doorlopen.
Industrieterrein Luozu zoekt arbeidskrachten.
Op het perron wordt een jongen die ver van huis is
omvergereden door bus 662, een plastic emmer rolt een heel eind weg,
de lucht wordt plots donker. Goud, verloren op de grond, niemand die het opraapt.
Bus 662 was niet gewond.
Bus 662 laadde geen rijst in.
Bus 662 droeg geen sorghum.
Bus 662 gooide er een tiental mensen uit en reed weg.
Ik ben als een gewonde armoedzaaier die net wakker wordt, totaal van de kaart.
Ik weet niet zeker of de maan
een laagje rijp over de longziekte giet.
Of dat hij zout in de wonde strooit.
From: 纸上还乡——郭金牛诗集
Publisher: 华东师范大学出版社, Shanghai
Publisher: 华东师范大学出版社, Shanghai
Poems of Guo Jinniu
Take Bus 662 662 times.Bus 662 is neither the starting point nor the terminus.
It passes Luozu Industrial Zone, Shiyan Town, and the golf course,
just like I went through elementary school, high school and college.
Luozu Industrial Zone is hiring.
On the platform, a teenager away from home
was knocked down by Bus 662, a plastic bucket sent flying too,
the sky suddenly turned dark. Gold, scattered all around, no one came to gather it.
Big Bus 662 was not injured.
Big Bus 662 was not bagging rice.
Big Bus 662 was not carrying millet.
Big Bus 662 tossed out a dozen people, drove off.
Like a wounded pauper, I just came to, it’s really infuriating.
I’m not sure if the moon
Is casting a layer of frost on a long illness.
Or if it’s rubbing a handful of salt in the wound.
From: 纸上还乡——郭金牛诗集
Take Bus 662 662 times.Bus 662 is neither the starting point nor the terminus.
It passes Luozu Industrial Zone, Shiyan Town, and the golf course,
just like I went through elementary school, high school and college.
Luozu Industrial Zone is hiring.
On the platform, a teenager away from home
was knocked down by Bus 662, a plastic bucket sent flying too,
the sky suddenly turned dark. Gold, scattered all around, no one came to gather it.
Big Bus 662 was not injured.
Big Bus 662 was not bagging rice.
Big Bus 662 was not carrying millet.
Big Bus 662 tossed out a dozen people, drove off.
Like a wounded pauper, I just came to, it’s really infuriating.
I’m not sure if the moon
Is casting a layer of frost on a long illness.
Or if it’s rubbing a handful of salt in the wound.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère