Harkaitz Cano
For Nietzsche, hope was the beginning of loss.But we can be even more radical:
the beginning of anything is the beginning of loss.
We all lose, but some lose more slowly
than others.
‘How’s it going?’ we ask mercilessly.
‘Slowly’, we answer, without really knowing.
Losing slowly is what we call winning.
But I, who do not love losing, love to lose myself in the forest.
Especially in forests
of music and breath,
skin and bark.
© Translation: 2014, Kristin Addis
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián, 2014
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián, 2014
Voor Nietzsche was hoop het begin van de nederlaag.Maar we kunnen nog radicaler zijn:
het begin van alles is het begin van de nederlaag.
Allen verliezen we, alleen verliezen sommigen trager
dan anderen.
‘Hoe gaat het?’ vragen we, zonder medelijden.
‘Traag,’ antwoorden we, zonder het te weten.
Traag verliezen is wat we winnen noemen.
Maar ik, die niet van verliezen houd, verlies me heel graag in het bos.
Vooral in bossen
van schors en muziek
en huid en adem.
© Vertaling: 2015, Luk Van Mensel
Nietzscherentzat, esperantza zen derrotaren hasiera.Baina izan gintezke erradikalago ere:
gauza guztien hasiera bera da derrotaren hasiera.
Guztiok gara galtzaile, soilik batzuek beste batzuek baino
polikiago galtzen dutela.
“Zer moduz zabiltza?”, galdetzen dugu, dohakabe.
“Poliki”, erantzuten dugu, jakin gabe.
Irabaztea esaten diogu, nonbait, poliki galtzeari.
Baina nik, galtzea maite ez dudan honek, biziki maite dut galtzea basoan.
Batez ere galtzea azala eta musika,
eta arnasa eta larrua
darien basoetan.
© 2014, Harkaitz Cano
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián
Poems of Harkaitz Cano
For Nietzsche, hope was the beginning of loss.But we can be even more radical:
the beginning of anything is the beginning of loss.
We all lose, but some lose more slowly
than others.
‘How’s it going?’ we ask mercilessly.
‘Slowly’, we answer, without really knowing.
Losing slowly is what we call winning.
But I, who do not love losing, love to lose myself in the forest.
Especially in forests
of music and breath,
skin and bark.
© 2014, Kristin Addis
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: 2014, Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: 2014, Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián
For Nietzsche, hope was the beginning of loss.But we can be even more radical:
the beginning of anything is the beginning of loss.
We all lose, but some lose more slowly
than others.
‘How’s it going?’ we ask mercilessly.
‘Slowly’, we answer, without really knowing.
Losing slowly is what we call winning.
But I, who do not love losing, love to lose myself in the forest.
Especially in forests
of music and breath,
skin and bark.
© 2014, Kristin Addis
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: 2014, Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián
From: Malgu da gaua / Flexible is the night
Publisher: 2014, Etxepare Institutua, San Sebastián

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