Poetry International Poetry International

Ruy Duarte de Carvalho


I don’t even know how to say it:

my cow is the color of dung
like the bottom
of a fox den

stamped down wood meal

strewn husks
between two paddocks.
the color of snuffed flame!

and what white spots it has:

on its face, speckles of milk
which the girls splatter there 

on its hips, the sparkling sky
painted by the rising sun.


ik weet niet hoe te zeggen:

mijn koetje is grijsbruin
als het diepste
van het vossenhol

gestampt kaf

tussen twee heiningen
gevallen bast.
gloed van gedoofd vuur!

en die witte vlekken van haar:

in haar gezicht sproeten melk
door de meisjes gemorst

op haar heupen een hemels licht
door de rijzende zon geverfd.


eu nem sei como dizer:

a minha vaca é parda
como o fundo
da toca da raposa

farelo pisado

casca caída
entre dois cercados.
lume de fogo apagado!

e as malhas brancas que tem:

na cara pintas do leite
que as meninas lhe aspergiram

nas ancas céu cintilante
que o sol lhe pinta ao nascer.


I don’t even know how to say it:

my cow is the color of dung
like the bottom
of a fox den

stamped down wood meal

strewn husks
between two paddocks.
the color of snuffed flame!

and what white spots it has:

on its face, speckles of milk
which the girls splatter there 

on its hips, the sparkling sky
painted by the rising sun.


I don’t even know how to say it:

my cow is the color of dung
like the bottom
of a fox den

stamped down wood meal

strewn husks
between two paddocks.
the color of snuffed flame!

and what white spots it has:

on its face, speckles of milk
which the girls splatter there 

on its hips, the sparkling sky
painted by the rising sun.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère