Poetry International Poetry International

Irena Matijašević


ready for mustaches
unpleasant to touch
i’m not sleepy
it just a phase i’m going through
a self-hatred phase
blind following
maybe I can grow mustaches
maybe a shadow is already visible
in small pneumatic handbooks
how to grow mustaches overnight
how to win a month’s
vacation in the galapagos
or to have perspective on your life
and life is notoriously female
and then eternal female eternal
in you
you find it as an attitude
and it lives before and after and always
you manage to receive it
from mothers, from majorettes
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
motif of phoenix fused with woman
renaissance is certainly female     
birth is woman’s nature
nature preaches birth in the nature
but i think
it’s all the same
we change our opinions and fashions
our fury lasts for millennia
but now it stops
now we have mustache and beard
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
she become the female force
the snake was bisexual
but i’m not that
my sex is eternal



curry se suši iz indijskih jela koja ćemo pojesti
magične brodove i sav će smisao nestati
pa ću pjevati samoj sebi
spremna za brkove
neugodna na dodir
nisam pospana
to je faza kroz koju prolazim
faza mržnje prema sebi
slijepo slijeđenje 
možda mi doista mogu izrasti brkovi
možda se sjena njih već nazire
u malim pneumatskim priručnicima
kako dobiti brkove preko noći
kao da dobivate mjesec
odmora na galapagosu
ili dobivate perspektivu na svoj život
koji je nepopravljivo ženski
i onda to vječno žensko vječno 
u vama
nalazite kao princip
a živjelo je i prije i poslije i uvijek
uspijevalo se dobivati
od majki, od mažoretkinja
erin brokovich se uzdigla ni iz čega
motiv feniksa spojen sa ženom
preporod je neopozivo ženski
rađanje je ženi priroda
priroda propovijeda rađanje u prirodi
ali ja mislim
da je svejedno
mi mijenjamo mišljenja i mode
naša ljutnja traje tisućljećima
ali sad je stalo
sad imamo brkove i bradu
erin brokovich se uzdigla ni iz čega
postala  žena snaga
zmija je bila dvospolna
ali to nisam ja
moj spol je vječan


ready for mustaches
unpleasant to touch
i’m not sleepy
it just a phase i’m going through
a self-hatred phase
blind following
maybe I can grow mustaches
maybe a shadow is already visible
in small pneumatic handbooks
how to grow mustaches overnight
how to win a month’s
vacation in the galapagos
or to have perspective on your life
and life is notoriously female
and then eternal female eternal
in you
you find it as an attitude
and it lives before and after and always
you manage to receive it
from mothers, from majorettes
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
motif of phoenix fused with woman
renaissance is certainly female     
birth is woman’s nature
nature preaches birth in the nature
but i think
it’s all the same
we change our opinions and fashions
our fury lasts for millennia
but now it stops
now we have mustache and beard
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
she become the female force
the snake was bisexual
but i’m not that
my sex is eternal


ready for mustaches
unpleasant to touch
i’m not sleepy
it just a phase i’m going through
a self-hatred phase
blind following
maybe I can grow mustaches
maybe a shadow is already visible
in small pneumatic handbooks
how to grow mustaches overnight
how to win a month’s
vacation in the galapagos
or to have perspective on your life
and life is notoriously female
and then eternal female eternal
in you
you find it as an attitude
and it lives before and after and always
you manage to receive it
from mothers, from majorettes
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
motif of phoenix fused with woman
renaissance is certainly female     
birth is woman’s nature
nature preaches birth in the nature
but i think
it’s all the same
we change our opinions and fashions
our fury lasts for millennia
but now it stops
now we have mustache and beard
erin brockovich rise out of nothing
she become the female force
the snake was bisexual
but i’m not that
my sex is eternal
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère