Irena Matijašević
wake me up with twisted steroid puddleand push it in an arch
on the Vespa
no acids
around exploded pits
they will break extensions with a fish gig
everything will look back
each launched summer stall
with bracelets
and rings on it
wake me up
and explain to me people with census
with pagoda or junk or a curve covered with algae
wake up shallow roots
do not speak
adverbs sliding down the brow
like nymphs when they catch a logo and nail it on the neck
and on it words they are nymphs
they lead you into ceiling
into strait
have you ever meet
a nymph when you were in the room
did she gave you warmth
what’s her lower body look like
was she composed did pearls fall down
what lipstick color did she wear
did husks fall down and rashes
when did you decide to write down her words
and to put loneliness at the forefront of her life
and after that your small trade
your work for bread and milk
and machine regularly ejects her in adjectives
machine and then replicates her like marilyn
and forms a multitude of gray nouns and adverbs here
and all of them at heart repeat the same root
© Translation: 2013, Irena Matijašević
probudi me izvijenom steroidnom mlakomi uguraj je u nekom luku
na vespu
bez kiselina
oko rasprsnutih koštunica
prebit će nastavke ostima
sve će se obazirati
svaki porinuti ljetni štand
na kojem će biti narukvica
i prstenja
probudi me
pojašnjenjem ljudi uz popis stanovništva
pagodom ili kramom ili obilnom izraslom algom
probudi korijenje plitko
ne govori
priloge kad se spuštaju niz čelo
kao nimfe kad uhvate logo i pribiju ga na vrat
i na njima piše da su nimfe
da odvode u strop
jesi li ikad susreo susrela
nimfu kad si bio bila u sobi
i je li ti dala toplinu
kako je izgledalo njezino donje tijelo
je li bila skladana jesu li padali biseri
kakva boja ruža na usnama
jesu li padale ljuske osipi
kad si odlučio bilježiti što govori
i stavljati samoću u prvi plan njezinog života
a nakon toga tvoj samostalni obrt
koji radiš za kruh i mlijeko
a nju izbacuje, svako malo, stroj u određenim pridjevima
stroj i onda je reproducira kao marilyn
i tu nastaje od njih mnoštvo sivih imenica i priloga
koji u svojoj srži ponavljaju isti korijen
© 2010, Irena Matijašević
From: Južne životinje
Publisher: AGM, Zagreb
From: Južne životinje
Publisher: AGM, Zagreb
Poems of Irena Matijašević
wake me up with twisted steroid puddleand push it in an arch
on the Vespa
no acids
around exploded pits
they will break extensions with a fish gig
everything will look back
each launched summer stall
with bracelets
and rings on it
wake me up
and explain to me people with census
with pagoda or junk or a curve covered with algae
wake up shallow roots
do not speak
adverbs sliding down the brow
like nymphs when they catch a logo and nail it on the neck
and on it words they are nymphs
they lead you into ceiling
into strait
have you ever meet
a nymph when you were in the room
did she gave you warmth
what’s her lower body look like
was she composed did pearls fall down
what lipstick color did she wear
did husks fall down and rashes
when did you decide to write down her words
and to put loneliness at the forefront of her life
and after that your small trade
your work for bread and milk
and machine regularly ejects her in adjectives
machine and then replicates her like marilyn
and forms a multitude of gray nouns and adverbs here
and all of them at heart repeat the same root
© 2013, Irena Matijašević
From: Južne životinje
From: Južne životinje
wake me up with twisted steroid puddleand push it in an arch
on the Vespa
no acids
around exploded pits
they will break extensions with a fish gig
everything will look back
each launched summer stall
with bracelets
and rings on it
wake me up
and explain to me people with census
with pagoda or junk or a curve covered with algae
wake up shallow roots
do not speak
adverbs sliding down the brow
like nymphs when they catch a logo and nail it on the neck
and on it words they are nymphs
they lead you into ceiling
into strait
have you ever meet
a nymph when you were in the room
did she gave you warmth
what’s her lower body look like
was she composed did pearls fall down
what lipstick color did she wear
did husks fall down and rashes
when did you decide to write down her words
and to put loneliness at the forefront of her life
and after that your small trade
your work for bread and milk
and machine regularly ejects her in adjectives
machine and then replicates her like marilyn
and forms a multitude of gray nouns and adverbs here
and all of them at heart repeat the same root
© 2013, Irena Matijašević

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère