Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen
one rain-slicked afternoon on the Autovia Unonear Malaga, in a gentle swerve, where the crash
barrier snaps down the median like a frightened
steel worm, the Porsche cuts across and hits the
car in the oncoming lane, the car with boy and girl
and death in the Porsche takes the boy, the freeway
shoulder gets off lightest, receives only a scratch,
the girl comes out of a coma, glass sprinkles from
her hair, the mutilated boy, the girl’s husband, is my
oldest son, they were married for a year, it sparkles,
the diadem death crowns her with, crowns her
widowhood with, that Death pointed to with
his forefinger
Puberty is a notified fire, a notified accident on the
way to manhood, said Puberty’s father. Puberty is a
hell, said Puberty’s mother; I think it will do him good
to be put in a freezer, then we can take him out when he’s
grown up. None of them knew then about Puberty’s death
and the autopsy that was to come. They didn’t get him out
of the freezer to get him going again, ticking and going again
no after the autopsy Puberty had to go back in, had to stick
to the funeral, it was a couple of weeks until they got him
home, in an urn they got him, Puberty, the ashes of a
notified man
© Translation: 2013, David McDuff
De dood en het meisje
een regenglanzende middag op de Autovia Uno bijMalaga, in een zwakke bocht, waar de vangrails ineen duikt
in de middenberm als een bange ijzerslang , komt de Por-
sche op de verkeerde rijbaan en raakt de tegenligger, de auto met
de jongen en het meisje, en de dood in de Porsche pakt de jongen,
de vluchtstrook komt er het best vanaf, loopt slechts
een kras op, het meisje ontwaakt uit een coma, glas valt
uit haar haar, de mishandelde jongen, de man
van het meisje, is mijn oudste zoon, ze waren één jaar getrouwd, hij
fonkelt, de diadeem waarmee de dood haar kroont, waarmee
ze tot weduwe wordt gekroond, waar de Dood naar wees met
zijn schokvinger
De Puberteit is een aangekondigde brand, een aangekondigd ongeluk op
weg naar man, zei de vader van de Puberteit. De Puberteit is een
hel, zei de moeder van de Puberteit; wat mij betreft kan hij
in de vriezer worden gelegd, dan kunnen we hem eruit halen
als hij volwassen is. Niemand van ons wist toen van de dood van de Puberteit
en de lijkschouwing die zou komen. Ze kregen hem niet uit
de vriezer om hem weer te laten lopen, tikken en weer lopen,
nee, na de lijkschouwing moest de Puberteit er weer in, moest
wachten tot de crematie, er ging een paar weken voorbij voordat
hij thuis kwam, in een urn kregen ze hem, de Puberteit, de as
van een aangekondigde man.
© Vertaling: 2019, Liesbeth Huijer
From: azul 7
From: azul 7
en regnblank ettermiddag på Autovia Uno nærMalaga, i en svak sving, der autovernet smetter ned
i midtrabatten som en skremt stålorm, skjærer Pors-
chen over og treffer bilen i motgående fil, bilen med
gutten og piken og døden i Porschen tar gutten,
motorveiskulderen kommer heldigst fra det, får en
rift bare, piken kommer fra koma, det drysser glass
av håret hennes, den maltrakterte gutten, pikens
mann, er min eldste sønn, de var gift ett år, det
funkler, diademet døden kroner henne med, kroner
hennes enkestand med, den Døden pekte på med
sin støtfinger
Puberteten er en varslet brann, en varslet ulykke på
vei til mann, sa Pubertetens far. Puberteten er et
helvete, sa Pubertetens mor; for meg kan han med
fordel legges i en fryser, så kan vi han ut når han
er voksen. Ingen av oss visste da om Pubertetens død
og likskuet som skulle komme. De fikk han ikke ut
av fryseren for å få han til å gå igjen, tikke og gå igjen,
nei etter likskuet måtte Puberteten inn igjen, måtte
holde seg til bisettelsen, gikk et par uker til de fikk
han hjem, i en urne fikk de han, Puberteten, asken
av en varslet mann
© 2010, Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen
From: Erfaring og forsvinning
Publisher: Forlaget Oktober, Oslo
Music royalties protected by TONO;From: Erfaring og forsvinning
Publisher: Forlaget Oktober, Oslo
Siri Torjesen (vocals), Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen (recitation), Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (alto saxophone), Knut Vaage (piano).
Poems of Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen
one rain-slicked afternoon on the Autovia Unonear Malaga, in a gentle swerve, where the crash
barrier snaps down the median like a frightened
steel worm, the Porsche cuts across and hits the
car in the oncoming lane, the car with boy and girl
and death in the Porsche takes the boy, the freeway
shoulder gets off lightest, receives only a scratch,
the girl comes out of a coma, glass sprinkles from
her hair, the mutilated boy, the girl’s husband, is my
oldest son, they were married for a year, it sparkles,
the diadem death crowns her with, crowns her
widowhood with, that Death pointed to with
his forefinger
Puberty is a notified fire, a notified accident on the
way to manhood, said Puberty’s father. Puberty is a
hell, said Puberty’s mother; I think it will do him good
to be put in a freezer, then we can take him out when he’s
grown up. None of them knew then about Puberty’s death
and the autopsy that was to come. They didn’t get him out
of the freezer to get him going again, ticking and going again
no after the autopsy Puberty had to go back in, had to stick
to the funeral, it was a couple of weeks until they got him
home, in an urn they got him, Puberty, the ashes of a
notified man
© 2013, David McDuff
From: Erfaring og forsvinning
Music royalties protected by TONO;From: Erfaring og forsvinning
Siri Torjesen (vocals), Torgeir Rebolledo Pedersen (recitation), Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (alto saxophone), Knut Vaage (piano).
one rain-slicked afternoon on the Autovia Unonear Malaga, in a gentle swerve, where the crash
barrier snaps down the median like a frightened
steel worm, the Porsche cuts across and hits the
car in the oncoming lane, the car with boy and girl
and death in the Porsche takes the boy, the freeway
shoulder gets off lightest, receives only a scratch,
the girl comes out of a coma, glass sprinkles from
her hair, the mutilated boy, the girl’s husband, is my
oldest son, they were married for a year, it sparkles,
the diadem death crowns her with, crowns her
widowhood with, that Death pointed to with
his forefinger
Puberty is a notified fire, a notified accident on the
way to manhood, said Puberty’s father. Puberty is a
hell, said Puberty’s mother; I think it will do him good
to be put in a freezer, then we can take him out when he’s
grown up. None of them knew then about Puberty’s death
and the autopsy that was to come. They didn’t get him out
of the freezer to get him going again, ticking and going again
no after the autopsy Puberty had to go back in, had to stick
to the funeral, it was a couple of weeks until they got him
home, in an urn they got him, Puberty, the ashes of a
notified man
© 2013, David McDuff

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère