Jude Stéfan
{SC}THE BRICK{/sc}just as well would I be that brick
for three days flat cracked
rusty sonorous rough compact
and red on the reddish-brown window
like a heavy bird laid kneaded
moulded clay dried baked
speckled with black desolate
in scars and stones I
want to absorb with my eyes engulf
as well as possible name Brick to be meditated on
to be pushed by former game of hopscotch
in all times with which are fortified
homes which last against winds
tides hail forgetfulness picks spittle
the indestructible brick of a Babylonian scribe
From: Aux chiens du soir
Publisher: Gallimard, , 1979
Publisher: Gallimard, , 1979
aussi bien serais-je cette briquedepuis trois jours plate ébréchée
rouillée sonore rugueuse compacte
et rouge sur la fenêtre brun-rouge
comme un lourd oiseau posée pétrie
moulée argile séchée cuite au four
de taches noires piquetées désolée
en cicatrices et moellons que je
veux absorber des yeux engloutir
au mieux nommer Brique à méditer
à pousser par jeu jadis de marelle
en tous temps dont on fortifie les
maisons qui durent contre vents
marées grêles oublis pioches crachats
la brique indestructible d\'un scribe babylonien
From: Aux chiens du soir
Publisher: Gallimard,
Publisher: Gallimard,
Poems of Jude Stéfan
{SC}THE BRICK{/sc}just as well would I be that brick
for three days flat cracked
rusty sonorous rough compact
and red on the reddish-brown window
like a heavy bird laid kneaded
moulded clay dried baked
speckled with black desolate
in scars and stones I
want to absorb with my eyes engulf
as well as possible name Brick to be meditated on
to be pushed by former game of hopscotch
in all times with which are fortified
homes which last against winds
tides hail forgetfulness picks spittle
the indestructible brick of a Babylonian scribe
From: Aux chiens du soir
Publisher: 1979, Gallimard,
Publisher: 1979, Gallimard,
{SC}THE BRICK{/sc}just as well would I be that brick
for three days flat cracked
rusty sonorous rough compact
and red on the reddish-brown window
like a heavy bird laid kneaded
moulded clay dried baked
speckled with black desolate
in scars and stones I
want to absorb with my eyes engulf
as well as possible name Brick to be meditated on
to be pushed by former game of hopscotch
in all times with which are fortified
homes which last against winds
tides hail forgetfulness picks spittle
the indestructible brick of a Babylonian scribe
From: Aux chiens du soir
Publisher: 1979, Gallimard,
Publisher: 1979, Gallimard,
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