Martin Reints
Misty letters
The barking of dogsechoes between the wooden houses
in the highlands
letters lurch in heavily laden vans
over the roads
in the bitter scent of long suffering
your beauty grew
we expect you early afternoon
nighttime silence
is a continuation of daily music.
© Translation: 2011, John Irons
Benevelde brieven
Benevelde brieven
Het geblaf van hondenweerklinkt tussen de houten huizen
in het gebergte
brieven slingeren in zwaar beladen vrachtwagens
over de wegen
in de bittere geur van het lange lijden
groeide je schoonheid
we verwachten je vroeg in de middag
de stilte in de nacht
is een voortzetting van de dagelijkse muziek.
© 2005, Martin Reints
From: Ballade van de winstwaarschuwing
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Ballade van de winstwaarschuwing
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Martin Reints
Misty letters
The barking of dogsechoes between the wooden houses
in the highlands
letters lurch in heavily laden vans
over the roads
in the bitter scent of long suffering
your beauty grew
we expect you early afternoon
nighttime silence
is a continuation of daily music.
© 2011, John Irons
From: Ballade van de winstwaarschuwing
From: Ballade van de winstwaarschuwing
Misty letters
The barking of dogsechoes between the wooden houses
in the highlands
letters lurch in heavily laden vans
over the roads
in the bitter scent of long suffering
your beauty grew
we expect you early afternoon
nighttime silence
is a continuation of daily music.
© 2011, John Irons
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