Martin Reints
Just a moment and the man walking thereon the other side, you can see he has just phoned
by the way he looks around
while he’s already been hanging around in the vicinity for some time
just a moment look there’s the bus
just a moment and that man is off to another vicinity
and if you wait just a moment the whole vicinity has gone:
the shelter with the large posters,
the rows of houses with the doorways and
the bay windows with the plants and their pots,
the rain, no the snow, no the rain.
© Translation: 2011, John Irons
Nog even en de man die daar looptaan de overkant, je kunt zien dat hij net heeft getelefoneerd
door hoe hij om zich heen kijkt
terwijl hij al lang in deze omgeving rondhangt
nog even kijk daar heb je de bus
nog even en die man is onderweg naar een andere omgeving
en als je nog even wacht is de hele omgeving weg:
het wachthokje met de grote aanplakbiljetten,
het huizenblok met de portieken en
de erkers met de planten in hun potten,
de regen, nee de sneeuw, nee de regen.
© 2010, Martin Reints
From: Lopende zaken
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Lopende zaken
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Martin Reints
Just a moment and the man walking thereon the other side, you can see he has just phoned
by the way he looks around
while he’s already been hanging around in the vicinity for some time
just a moment look there’s the bus
just a moment and that man is off to another vicinity
and if you wait just a moment the whole vicinity has gone:
the shelter with the large posters,
the rows of houses with the doorways and
the bay windows with the plants and their pots,
the rain, no the snow, no the rain.
© 2011, John Irons
From: Lopende zaken
From: Lopende zaken
Just a moment and the man walking thereon the other side, you can see he has just phoned
by the way he looks around
while he’s already been hanging around in the vicinity for some time
just a moment look there’s the bus
just a moment and that man is off to another vicinity
and if you wait just a moment the whole vicinity has gone:
the shelter with the large posters,
the rows of houses with the doorways and
the bay windows with the plants and their pots,
the rain, no the snow, no the rain.
© 2011, John Irons
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